Apps paying August 2024

New apps to earn money:

It is no longer strange that someone looks for apps to earn money, this is a niche that exploded years ago and is becoming more and more known, but not all apps are trustworthy and some of them can waste your time. In this article I will present you three apps to earn money that can really help you since they are proven, it is safe to use them.

Below I will present three new apps that we found over the course of this week, these apps allow you to earn money in a simple way and from the comfort of your mobile. I invite you to read the entire article so that you understand how each one works and you can get the most out of it.

List of apps to earn money:

  • PaidViewpoint
  • ChillSurveys: Surveys for Cash
  • BeFrugal Cash Back & Coupons

1. PaidViewpoint – Does it pay you $1 for each survey?

If you were looking for an app to earn money, PaidViewpoint is the one for you. This app will allow you to get money for something as simple as sharing your opinion. To learn more details about the app, I invite you to read the entire text.

This is a well-known app among the public, because it is a legitimate and reliable app to generate extra income. The app currently seems to work in all regions of the world, so you can use it no matter where you are or what your conditions are, you only need a mobile phone to answer each of the surveys that appear. on the panel.

The surveys will be linked to topics of interest such as clothing brands, supermarket products, internet use and streaming packages, etc. All these topics are linked to our lives and giving an opinion about them will be simple. Anyway, let’s see how to make money with PaidViewpoint.

What is PaidViewpoint?

PaidViewpoint is a popular application to generate income through surveys, there you will have some questionnaires where you can share your opinion about different products in order to contribute to marketing studies. All surveys are anonymous, the data they request from you at the beginning is only to know what your user profile is and thus place you in a category, but this data will not be shared with third parties.

In case you’re wondering, this app was created by Umongous, Inc, a studio that does not have any other publications, but has made a name for itself in the community due to its seriousness and commitment to users. So far it does not seem that the company is planning to publish another project, everything seems to indicate that it seeks to focus on PaidViewpoint and people’s experience, which benefits us.

This application was published in 2021 and to this day it remains one of the favorites of users looking to generate income from their mobile, so I invite you to try it.

Apps to earn money

Installation and registration in PaidViewpoint:

Finding this application is easy, the app is quite popular and that is why it appears among the first positions in the list of results. Before installing the app, I invite you to check the name of the company that created it to avoid confusion. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone since it is available to everyone.

To enter you must register using your Google, Apple account or email. Once you register, you must select your country of residence, accept terms and conditions and check a box that asks you to be over 14 years old.

Apps to earn money

How does it work?

When you enter PaidViewpoint you will see a platform that is well programmed, everything runs smoothly and each box has the necessary information so that you understand what topic is going to be discussed. Now, at the bottom of the screen you have a menu that allows you to navigate through the entire interface and go to the different options to earn money: surveys or referrals. You will also have access to your profile settings.

To begin, you have a task that asks you to watch a video, which explains how the app works and gives you a brief tour of its interface. This task will be paid as soon as you finish watching the video. Once you complete this mission, you must go to your profile and complete some information boxes. This will be important so that the app can place you in a category in which you have surveys that suit you and do not waste your time.

Each survey pays you an average of $0.3 dollars , this money goes directly to your account and you can monitor it in your earnings history.

PaidViewpoint app


You can request your payment through PayPal, the only option available at this time. The minimum payment  is $15 dollars, when you collect this amount you will only have to go to the withdrawal box and follow the instructions for the payment to be processed. The money will be in your account within 48 to 72 hours.

PaidViewpoint app

Does PaidViewpoint pay?

Definitely yes, PaidViewpoint pays and is an excellent option if you want to start generating extra income from your mobile without much effort. The app is available almost everywhere in the world and always has surveys available no matter what region you are in. Yes, there will be some countries where you will have more options than others, but in general you will always be able to find a survey available.

If this app does not convince you, you can continue reading, in this article I will present two other options that are also legitimate and can help you. Also at the end of the article I will leave you the name of some lists that you can review, there you will have more than 100 apps that pay and can help you.



2. ChillSurveys: Surveys for Cash – How safe is it?

Well, I’ll start by answering the question: ChillSurveys: Surveys for Cash is legitimate , you can trust it to generate income from your cell phone, you just have to have a realistic expectation about what you can earn.

If you want to know all the information about the app, I invite you to continue reading, here you will find some instructions about how it works. Before continuing, I remind you that the blog has no relationship with the application or the studio that created it, we only seek to inform users. This application is part of this list because we recently discovered it and saw that it was a reliable app. For this reason, it went through a trial period in which I was able to prove that it was legitimate.

Like the previous app, ChillSurveys: Surveys for Cash allows you to generate income through surveys, although it has another interesting offer: paying you to allow some notifications to reach your phone, but this will be sporadic and is not a reliable source of money. Anyway, let’s see what else ChillSurveys has to offer.

What is ChillSurveys: Surveys for Cash?

I think its name is quite explicit, ChillSurveys: Surveys for Cash, its title indicates very well the task we have to perform: answer surveys in exchange for money. The surveys will be available until the marketing study for which they were launched is completed, therefore it cannot be known how long they will be available, it is best to respond as soon as we have time.

This app was created by Kowzha, a studio that wasn’t on my radar until I checked their Play Store profile, for some reason I had forgotten their name, but this is a studio we know very well. So far this company has published three other apps to generate income, all of them have been great successes and we see them tested on the blog with favorable results. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I invite you to check out their articles: SurveyPartySurveyMagic and BananaBucks.

Kowzha is a legitimate and safe company, it is well known among users that you can use any of their apps without any risks. Of course no app will make you a millionaire, but you can use them to cover small extra expenses or start a savings account.

Apps to earn money

Installation and registration in ChillSurveys: Surveys for Cash:

Finding this application is simple, I still recommend checking the name of the company that created it to avoid any confusion. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone since so far it is available worldwide.

To enter you must register using your email, once done they will send you a confirmation code to activate your account.

Apps to earn money

How does it work?

The way ChillSurveys: Surveys for Cash works is simple, once you register you will have to complete some simple surveys to add information to your profile and learn how the app works, with this you will receive your first cents. At the bottom of the screen you have a menu that allows you to navigate through all the screens and access the different options, including referrals and notifications.

Unlike other apps, ChillSurveys has a more than curious option: it turns out that the app pays you for each notification that you allow it to send to your phone. I have no idea how this works or why this service is not in their other apps, but from what I suspect, this could be to test the signal of some server and they will pay you for your collaboration. Of course this is not a stable source of income since it will be sporadic, but if you allow it you could be earning $0.05 dollars each time.

If this does not convince you, you can review its main option, the surveys, these will be available in the main tab. Each survey will have a brief description in which they will tell you how much money they are going to pay you and the estimated time it will take you to answer all the questions.

ChillSurveys: Surveys for Cash app


You can request your payment through PayPal, VISA, Amazon , among other gift cards that will vary depending on the country in which you reside. The minimum payment is the same for all options and is $5 , a figure that can easily be reached in less than a week. Keep in mind that everything will depend on the time you dedicate to the app.

ChillSurveys: Surveys for Cash app

Does ChillSurveys: Surveys for Cash pay?

Yes, ChillSurveys: Surveys for Cash pays and is a good option if what you want is to generate extra income without any type of investment. Remember to have a realistic goal since no application of this type can help you become a millionaire, but they can undoubtedly represent a good source of income if you take it seriously or if you use several of them. Below I leave you the link so you can try it, don’t forget to come back and tell us about your experience.

This app can be your great ally, but if it doesn’t convince you or it’s still not enough for you, I invite you to continue reading, I’ll tell you which is the other app that earned its place to be on this list. I also remind you that at the end the name and access to various lists that you have with paying apps and you can use will be waiting for you.



3. BeFrugal Cash Back & Coupons – The best cashback option?

You may be wondering if BeFrugal Cash Back & Coupons really pays and the answer is yes, that is why it is on this list, but some users may still have doubts about whether it works, in this article I will try to explain how to use it and earn money.

Before continuing, I clarify again that the blog is independent, our intention when reviewing this app is to inform our readers. We are not seeking to promote the app in any way and we do not have any relationship with the project, in the comments you can tell us your experience and it will be heard. I found this app after doing a little research and after putting it to the test I noticed that it does pay, but its use may perhaps be confusing for some.

The other two apps I showed you pay for taking surveys, but BeFrugal Cash Back & Coupons pays for making purchases through their link, which is fantastic, right? Especially if you are one of those who make most of your purchases online.

What is BeFrugal Cash Back & Coupons?

BeFrugal Cash Back & Coupons is an app that offers us coupons with discounts on different products and brands. These types of apps are quite common and are often ignored by the public. The way in which these apps generate income is through alliances with recognized brands, they pay the creators to promote certain products and services and part of that money goes to a fund to “pay” users.

In case you’re wondering, this app was created by , a studio that has not published any other app so far, although it doesn’t seem like it would need to to gain a foothold among the public. If you search the web by the name of the company, it will redirect you to a page where you can find more data and an interface for computers since you can also download the extension that allows you to buy from your computer. The page explains that the company is allied with recognized brands and that each offer can give you some money.

Cashback apps tend to be ignored by the public because it is not a very explored niche, not everyone understands how it works, which is why I recommend you continue reading.

Apps to earn money

Installation and registration in BeFrugal Cash Back & Coupons:

Finding the application is easy if you search for it by its full name, otherwise you may get confused with options with similar names. Before installing it, I recommend you check the name of the company that created it to avoid any confusion.

If the app does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone since it is available to everyone. To enter the app you must register using a Google, Facebook or Apple account. You can also enter with an email.

Apps to earn money

How does it work?

I think that the way apps like BeFrugal Cash Back & Coupons work can be somewhat confusing and this is what makes the public almost always skip them, but actually using them is quite simple. For example, in this app you only have to complete the registration and once this is done you can enter and browse the different offers available on its panel. As such, they don’t pay you to use it, but they give you part of your money back if you buy through their links and this can be an excellent saving.

The app has alliances with several recognized brands that are willing to provide discounts on their products for us, for this we only have to browse and find an offer that catches our attention or perform a search directly in the bar that is intended for this. Once we find an offer that catches our attention, we just have to select it, the app will load a page in the background that takes us to the store and from there we just have to carry out the normal purchasing process.

Keep in mind that you do not receive cashback if you do not purchase from the app link, you must always access from the link provided to you and you will only be able to exit if the app itself redirects you, otherwise you could lose the discount.

The purchase must be made for the normal amount of the product, then BeFrugal Cash Back will take care of making the discount and returning the money to your account.

BeFrugal Cash Back & Coupons app


For each purchase, money will accumulate in your balance. This money can be withdrawn through PayPal, Venmo, bank transfer or gift cards that will be available depending on your country of residence. The minimum payment is $50 dollars and before you think that is a large amount, keep in mind that with just one large purchase you could reach the figure or be close to it.

BeFrugal Cash Back & Coupons app

Does BeFrugal Cash Back & Coupons pay?

At the moment BeFrugal Cash Back & Coupons is paying and can be an excellent option to save on each purchase. Just think, how many times a month do you make online purchases that end up spending a large part of your budget? Well, now you can get some of that money back just for using this app.

The offers that work best are linked to clothing and accessories, the food offers will only be available in the US. If you are going to use this app you can consider installing its extension for computers, this works better than its app and allows you to make purchases with greater fluidity.




Any app you select will be an excellent option, these money-making apps are well-known and supported by the community. To improve results, I recommend using all three or at least two, this will allow you to generate greater income each month, of course, only if your time allows it.

If you want to leave us a suggestion or have questions about another app, you can write to us in the comments, we will be reviewing them and responding as soon as possible. Finally, I invite you to review our lists, in them you can find other options that are also paying and you can use to generate money.

Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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