Tile Merge – Match Puzzle – Legit app or scam?

Tile Merge – Match Puzzle – Review:

You may be wondering if Tile Merge – Match Puzzle is a scam after seeing it in ads, luckily you came to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. Don’t forget to read the entire article to find out the answers you are looking for.

If this is your first time visiting the blog, I invite you to check out our other articles, where you can find reviews about different apps that also offer money. Our goal in each article is to inform and help our readers. We always seek to help you. Just like you, we are users, we know how annoying it is to find junk apps and that is why we seek to help you avoid them. No matter what the final result is, we will always tell you the truth.

Also, if this game doesn’t catch your attention, it doesn’t matter, at the end of the article you can find the names of some lists that gather apps that pay and can help you. Each of the lists gathers different apps, most of them are games, but this doesn’t mean that it’s the only theme you can find. Anyway, let’s see if Tile Merge – Match Puzzle is scam or real.

What is Tile Merge – Match Puzzle?

Tile Merge – Match Puzzle is a copy of another copy, a game in which we have to arrange different tiles until the screen is completely empty to get our money. If you are an active user in the search for apps to earn money, you have probably already seen apps with similar rates and if your results have been the same as mine, you will have realized that this niche is not the best to explore.

This particular app was created by BrainWave Games, a studio I know since I reviewed some of their apps a while back. Most of the games published by this company are presented as options to generate income in order to attract the public’s attention, although this is not as true as it seems. BrainWave Games is a company that has achieved success thanks to questionable marketing strategies that should be penalized.

On many occasions, creators advertise their games as a real option to make money, since this way they can attract attention more quickly, but this does not mean that they really intend to pay.

Download Tile Merge - Match Puzzle

Installation and registration in Tile Merge – Match Puzzle:

Finding this app is easy, but I recommend entering it from its ads or searching for it directly from the web. If it doesn’t give you the option to install it, it may be due to compatibility issues with your phone, since it is currently available to everyone.

To enter you do not need any registration or requirement, your data is only necessary at the time of withdrawal.

Download Tile Merge - Match Puzzle

How does it work?

Once you enter Tile Merge – Match Puzzle you will find several tiles placed on your screen, each of them has a figure in the center that helps to identify them more easily. The objective in this game is quite simple since you will only have to form groups until your screen is completely empty, but for this there are some details that you must take into account.

Remember that at the bottom of the screen you will have some spaces where you can place some pieces to free up new pieces on the board, but this space has limited spaces and if you get to exceed them, you must start the level from scratch. Try to make sure that every time you take a piece there are two others with the same figure in view, this will help you to form groups more easily. Each group must have three identical pieces and all groups will be eliminated to make way for new pieces.

Your reward is automatically added to your account, you can check this in the box at the top. Sometimes you will need to watch ads if you want to earn your earnings.

Tile Merge – Match Puzzle app


I was playing for quite a while hoping to unlock the cash out feature but this never happened. Apparently this is a game that is promoted as a way to make money just for getting downloads but it doesn’t really pay out.

If you’re wondering how this benefits the app, it’s because the ads you agree to watch in the hope of making money give the creator money and a free pass to monetize.

Tile Merge – Match Puzzle app

Does Tile Merge – Match Puzzle pay?

The truth is, no, Tile Merge – Match Puzzle doesn’t pay. No matter how many ads you’ve seen claiming it’s a great way to make money, as I said, this is just a marketing strategy. The game may be interesting and engaging for some, but if you’re looking for money, it’s best to delete the app and look for other options.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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