Ocean Treasure Hunt Pop – Review:
If you’re still wondering if Ocean Treasure Hunt Pop is a scam, you have come to the right place. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the app. Don’t forget to read the entire article to find out the answers you are looking for.
Before continuing, I would like to clarify that this blog is independent, we have no relationship with the application or the studio that published it. We’re not looking to promote the app in any way, nor are we responsible for the reward offered, the only thing we are looking for is to inform and help our readers. If you have any complaint or claim, you should go directly to the Play Store, there you’ll find the relevant support to handle your case, but if you simply want to comment on some detail or share your experience, you can go to the comments section of the article and tell us your opinion.
On the other hand, throughout our search we have found some apps that are legitimate and can help you in case this game isn’t what you are looking for. At the end of the article I leave you the names and access to the lists that bring them together, check them out, you’ll surely find one that catches your attention. Well, now let’s see if Ocean Treasure Hunt Pop is a scam or if it works.
What is Ocean Treasure Hunt Pop?
I think there is no simpler game than Ocean Treasure Hunt Pop, in which you’ll have to eliminate blocks of fish until the screen is completely empty. The game is quite simple and if it sounds familiar to you it is because you have already searched for an app to earn money without much luck, or you’ve read our articles. In both cases it is easy to know how it all ended, this type of theme is constantly used to create junk games and although it is not good to ensure that all of them are, most are not safe.
This particular app was published by REMU7, a studio that so far has only one other release, which is nothing more than a game that never got the attention of the public. So far there is no information on the web that can help us understand exactly what the creator is looking for, but looking at their ads and the games they have published, it is easy to know that it is just someone looking for downloads and easy money. Scams to users are becoming more and more common and although they are sanctioned by the Play Store, there are still too many that can make you fall for it.
Whenever you see a game that offers money, it is best to look for information on reliable sites, this way you’ll know what to expect. If you don’t find the information you are looking for, you can return to the blog and leave us the name of the app, I’ll review it as soon as possible and tell you if it’s real or not.

Installation and registration in Ocean Treasure Hunt Pop:
Finding this app is easy, although it can be confused with other projects, which is why you should check the name of the company that published it to avoid any confusion. If you are not given the option to install it, it may be due to compatibility issues with your phone, for which there is no solution.
To enter the app you do not need to complete any registration requirements, just touch the icon that appears on your screen and wait for the game to load.

How does it work?
The operation of Ocean Treasure Hunt Pop is too simple, in this one you just have to press some blocks of different colors or well, in this case they’ll be fish that we have to eliminate to achieve our objective. The interface of this game is simple and has some details that give you access to some settings and your wallet, as well as some help for each level.
When the game starts you’ll have several fish that can be distinguished by their colors, these will be divided into blocks that will make the task easier. Our objective is to eliminate all the fish from the screen, for this we need at least three fish that are the same to be in a row or form a kind of block, when this happens the requirement will be accepted and the group will be eliminated. Once the screen is completely empty you’ll be able to advance to the next level, with each one you will see how the difficulty increases but it will not be anything out of this world.
You can claim your reward as soon as you beat the match or on special occasions when you have access to a bonus or extra help.

You can request your payment through PayPal, Amazon and MasterCard, three well-known names that have no relation to the application. The minimum payment for all methods is $300, a pretty good figure that is nothing more than a scam.
Although you’ll earn a lot of money at first and it will seem easy to reach the goal, over time you’ll see that the rewards begin to decrease and it will become more difficult to reach the goal. It is all a scam, this application doesn’t pay.

Does Ocean Treasure Hunt Pop pay?
The news is bad again, Ocean Treasure Hunt Pop doesn’t pay , it is just a garbage app. No matter how hard you try to get the minimum payment, it will be impossible and even if you do, it will be useless, the application will start the withdrawal process or at least this is what is implied, but it will never deposit the money into your account. The best thing is to delete this game from your phone.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: