BitTycoon: BTC Mining – Legit App? Does It Pay?

BitTycoon: BTC Mining – Review:

You might be wondering if BitTycoon: BTC Mining is legitimate or a scam after seeing ads for it. You’ve come to the right place. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the app. Don’t forget to read the entire article if you want the answers you’re looking for.

If this is your first time visiting the blog, please note that we are an independent site; we’ve no connection with the app or the studio that published it. Like you, we are users; we look for apps that actually pay, and we understand how annoying it is to find junk apps, so we aim to help you avoid them. Our goal is always to inform; in each of our articles, you’ll find an honest and impartial opinion, regardless of the outcome or how popular the project is.

Also, if this game isn’t what you’re looking for, don’t worry. At the end of the article, you’ll find some lists of paying apps that can help you. All the apps on the lists are safe, pay, and can help you generate extra income. Check them out. Anyway, let’s see if BitTycoon: BTC Mining is legitimate or a scam.

What is BitTycoon: BTC Mining?

BitTycoon: BTC Mining is a mining app, but this time it’s not just a game, but an option for earning real cryptocurrency. The app has a free option and some plans you can purchase, like a kind of investment you can make on any official mining site, although we’ll discuss this in more detail later.

In case you’re wondering, this particular app was published by Little-Ants, a company that’s not well-known to the public. I also found a detail on the company’s profile that I found more than interesting: despite being a cryptocurrency project, the company had previously focused on promoting a translation app that, while interesting, didn’t seem to have a significant impact on the public. But what does this mean? Well, personally, I find it revealing, since a serious cryptocurrency project doesn’t veer into other niches.

The fact that the company previously published a completely unrelated app only shows me a desperate creator who was probably looking for downloads and easy money, although at first he seemed to be more sensible and offered a real service to users.

Download BitTycoon: BTC Mining

Installing and registering on BitTycoon: BTC mining:

Finding this app is easy, although it can be confused with other projects. I recommend accessing it from an ad or checking the details in the Play Store to avoid any errors. If you don’t see the option to install it, it could be due to compatibility issues with your phone.

You don’t need to register to access the app, although you must register through your Google account to access various features and aspects of your account.

Download BitTycoon: BTC Mining

How does it work?

When you log in to BitTycoon: BTC Mining, you’ve access to two free contracts that you can activate by watching ads or following the instructions, but you must first register using your Google account. The app has a menu at the bottom of the screen that allows you to access your wallet, mining ring, and the different available contracts, as well as your account.

As I mentioned, you can access two free contracts, but these won’t be much use because reaching the minimum payment will be difficult and you’ll have to watch ads every two hours. You can check the “Dashboard” box and press “mining contract” to display the options. The cheapest contract is $5 per month, while the most expensive reaches $210 per month. Of course, each one has a different mining ratio, with the most powerful being the most expensive. Now, one detail I don’t like at all is the lack of information; they don’t allow you to calculate profits or returns, and they don’t show you if there are hidden costs or if it’s a fair investment.

Every time the time is up you can claim your earnings, these accumulate in your wallet until you gather enough to make the withdrawal.

BitTycoon: BTC mining app


You can request payment via the cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin, although we also offer an option called  TycoonPoints, a proprietary token about which there isn’t much information available, not even in the app. The minimum payment is 0.0022 satoshis, which at the current exchange rate amounts to $1.83, a fairly low figure that may not reflect our aspirations for this app.

From what I’ve seen on some sites, the reward offered for their plans doesn’t even reach the amount you have to pay, so it would be a waste of your investment. If you look at the comments box, you’ll see that most of the positive comments come with a referral code: these are users looking for other users to invest for them, but they have no real idea how it works.

BitTycoon: BTC mining app

Does BitTycoon: BTC Mining Pay?

Some users claim it pays, but I personally doubt this is true. Perhaps some users were lucky enough to log in quickly and get a real payout, as the app is looking to gain a foothold and attract more people, but at this point, it’s safe to say that BitTycoon: BTC Mining doesn’t pay; it’s just a junk app. If you want to try your luck, go ahead; just make sure you try the free plan or don’t invest more money than you’re willing to lose.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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