Hey! Billionaire – A Game That Pays? [Review]

Hey! Billionaire – Scam?

Today I will talk to you about Hey! Billionaire , an online game to earn money that can help you if what you want is a little extra income and at the same time get some entertainment, but of course we all wonder if this is real or not and that’s why I tried the app for a while.

Stay until the end to find out if it really is an application that works and can help you, remember that for the article I will base it solely on my opinion and I will not hide anything from you. The blog has nothing to do with any study or application, we are just users like you and we seek to help you. We know how annoying it is to find junk apps and waste your time, that’s why we try to avoid that path for you. If it is an app that works, I will tell you so you can use it with confidence, the same if it is a junk app.

Also in the final part of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that do pay, check them out. Most lists have online games to earn money, but you can also find other options that can help you such as survey apps and micro tasks. Anyway, let’s concentrate and see if Hey! Billionaire pays or just another lie.

What is Hey! Billionaire?

At first glance Hey! Billionaire may resemble some quite popular board games, only this time it is a mobile adaptation that also promises to pay us to play in there, spectacular, right? Well, everything seems to be going correctly when you log in and play, your reward is credited to your balance and the withdrawal option is shown, but what it does not show you is the series of requirements that you must meet in order to withdraw, although I will tell you about that more forward.

In case you’re wondering, the app was created by Kivflar Ludum , a studio that we still don’t have any reference to on this blog. So far the company has not published a single more application, nor is it possible to find any type of information on the web and all that can be seen is that this is its first attempt to bring an online game to earn money to the Play Store, unfortunately it seems that it chose lies.

All the information we have about the game comes from the ads that constantly appear and in which it is promoted in a quite striking way, but that is information that its creator can manipulate. Of course, an online game to earn money can attract anyone’s attention, I only recommend that you first look for any reviews or comments and if you decide to try it, be careful.

Billionaire pay

Installation and registration in Hey! Billionaire:

The application is quite easy to find and with a quick search you can find results, just make sure you write its name correctly and also check the name of the studio that created it, so you will be sure to install the correct one. If you cannot install it, it may be due to a compatibility problem; there is no solution for this and it is best to look for other options.

You do not have to make any type of registration to enter, do not worry about having to leave any email or personal information.

How does it work?

If you are an old reader of the blog you will surely have read the Jump Clash article (you can do it by pressing its name), a game of dice and squares in which you had to move your avatar around the board. Well, hey! Billionaire is exactly the same, only it is set in another time and place, but the essence is identical. You will have to roll the dice and it will depend on them how many squares you advance and where you land, and you will not have help.

The objective is nothing more than to go around your board again and again collecting some bills that then go to your balance. On the board you will have some bonuses of all kinds, mini games and it can be said that the aids that you do not find on the screen are there, each box is different and the chances of you winning money are high. Now, after a while of playing it becomes quite boring, especially when it seems that every move is established by the app and everything is calculated so that you can win and then watch ads.

As always, at first you will not have any problem receiving your reward , it will be after a while that it will start to show quite annoying ads. You can see the reward in your balance, at the top of the screen.


You can request your payment through PayPal only and this is the most common option in most apps, so I recommend having an account there in case you find an app that works. The minimum withdrawal is $20 dollars and it is somewhat difficult to achieve since they will only give you pennies. Also the game is designed to watch ads, so if you are not willing to do that, then you should look for other options.

Once you reach the minimum payment threshold, it asks you to see 30 ads and then adds you to a waiting list, but you will never leave it. Their only intention is for you to generate income for the creator by viewing ads, but they will not give you anything.

Billionaire pay

Hey ! Billionaire pays?

The truth is no, Hey! Billionaire does not pay , it is just an app that is there for you to see ads and the creator can profit from it, but you will never receive anything. The game has no purpose of helping anyone, everything is a simple lie for those who stand out and can get a larger community. It is best to delete the game, so you will have free space for one that you at least liked or an online game to earn money that really works.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:


  1. Bullshit. I wasted days accumalting over what I thought or was misleading around 2,000 dollars to find out it’s a lie. I’m going to file false advertising.

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