Abyssal Sea 3 Tiles – Review:
You may be wondering if Abyssal Sea 3 Tiles is scam or legit after seeing it in different ads, luckily you came to the right place, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the app. Don’t forget to check out the entire article to find the answers you are looking for.
Before continuing, I want to clarify that for this article I will base it solely on my experience, I am not looking to promote the app in any way. This blog is independent, we have no relationship with the application or the studio that published it, we only seek to inform our readers so that they make the best decision. If you check our other articles you will find reviews about other apps that also offer money and of course, in each one you will have an honest and impartial opinion regardless of the result.
Also, if this game doesn’t catch your attention, it doesn’t matter, at the end of the article you will find the names of some lists that gather apps that pay and can help you, check them out. Most of the apps on the lists are games, but this doesn’t mean that’s the only thing you can find, check them out. Okay, now let’s see if Abyssal Sea 3 Tiles is scam or legit.
What is Abyssal Sea 3 Tiles?
Abyssal Sea 3 Tiles is another game where you have to form groups of three tiles so that they are removed from your screen, the objective is to make the screen completely empty. This game is one of the most common in the Play Store, especially if we talk about the niche of apps that supposedly pay, although so far it seems to be a label for junk apps rather than a reliable game for users.
This particular app was published by Sdren Apps, a studio that has only one other game published, although this one doesn’t seem to offer money to its users. In several ads, Abyssal Sea 3 Tiles is presented as an option to generate income, showing large amounts of money and always telling us that we can earn these figures by playing, but the truth seems to be far from that. So far, there is no background information from the company, so we don’t really know what to expect.
Whenever you see a game that offers money, you should look for information on reliable and impartial sites. If you can’t find it, you can return to the blog and leave us its name in the comments. I will review it as soon as possible and tell you if it is real or not.

Installation and registration in Abyssal Sea 3 Tiles:
Finding this app is easy, although in some regions its title may appear in the local language, so some errors may arise. Before installing it, I recommend checking the name of the company that published it to avoid any errors or confusion. If you are not given the option to install it, it may be due to compatibility issues with your phone.
To access the app you do not need to register or meet any requirements, you just need to touch the icon that remains on the screen after downloading.

How does it work?
When you enter Abyssal Sea 3 Tiles you will see a screen with several tiles placed randomly, your objective is to gather them in groups so that the app can automatically remove them. On the screen you will have some access to settings, your wallet and some help that can be decisive in your goal to achieve the withdrawal. The game is easy for the most part, but when you reach level 9 the difficulties begin.
Your goal is to form groups of three identical tiles. To do this, you have to press a tile and then look for two more that are the same. Remember that to form groups, you only have to look at the figure that appears in the center of each one. At the bottom of the screen, you will have spaces where you can find relief. There, you can move some tiles to clear part of your path and help you find new options. However, if you are not careful, you can end up occupying all of them and running out of space to form a new group.
The reward is automatically added to your balance, you can see this at the top of the screen. In some cases you will have to watch ads if you want to claim the money, this will become more common as you progress through the levels.

You can request your payment through PayPal, Amazon and MasterCard without any minimum payment, the only requirement to get the withdrawal is to pass level 9. As you can see, it is the same strategy as other apps that we have seen in the past, only it increases the number of levels you must pass with the objective being for a longer amount of time, I suppose.
The fact is that these types of apps always end up being a lie, none of them will allow you to pass the level that is required. It’s all a scam, the app is not going to pay you.

Does Abyssal Sea 3 Tiles pay?
I’m sorry to disappoint you again, but Abyssal Sea 3 Tiles doesn’t pay, it’s just a garbage app. This type of game is becoming more common every day on the Play Store and although Google boasts of having a policy that prohibits them and protects users, these creators find a way to evade them and continue deceiving the public. If a game asks you to beat a certain level, it’s almost always a sign that you’re facing a scam, the best thing in that case is to delete it and look for other options.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: