Aimer – Does It Help You Find Work Online?  [Review]

Aimer – Does it really work?

If you are wondering if Aimer works or is a scam, you have just come to the right place, I will tell you everything about the application so you can determine if it is worth it or not. Remember that my goal is always to help you, I am not looking to promote the app in any way.

Before continuing, I want to clarify that this blog is independent, we are not seeking to promote any of the applications we talk about. We have nothing to do with any studio or app, you can trust that you will always find an honest and unbiased review. Our goal is to help you because we are users, we know how annoying it is to find a junk app and that is why this blog was born, I clarify this because several come to complain to us as if we had something to do with the projects.

Furthermore, in our search we have found applications that really pay and are worth it. We have compiled them in lists so that you can find them easily and I always leave you their links at the end of each article, check them out. At the moment we have not found any new application that can help you get a job online apart from the ones that are already known. There you will only have options to earn some extra income each month for free. In short, let’s see if Aimer app is a scam or works.

What is Aimer?

From what I could see, Aimer app is like any of those apps where they offer you a job, but everything is written poorly and looks extremely suspicious. Personally, I don’t like to take too much risk when looking for a platform to look for work since, since it is a delicate topic, I think it is better to go for an established and monitored project. You never know what risks you may face or if you will end up wasting your time, as it seems to be in this case.

The application was created by s06leovgms, a studio that I know quite well because a while ago I reviewed another star project: SeekJobs. If you have not read the article about this app, I recommend that you do so by pressing its name, you will be redirected. Spoiler alert: the app was garbage. I think I can assure you that s06leovgms only belongs to a person who is desperate to get some attention and get some downloads. I’m not saying that the intention is not good, but well executed.

After my experience with his other creation, it was more than clear to me that this project is not serious. None of the apps offers you a real job and if one is not invented by its creator, it does not have the tools for you to apply for a job. It’s all a waste of time.


Installation and registration in Aimer:

Finding the application can be a bit complicated because it has a generic name that can be easily lost, it is best to enter from an advertisement. I still recommend that before installing any app you check the name of the studio that created it, this can avoid confusion. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.

No registration is necessary to enter. In fact, the screen loads just a few seconds before all the jobs load.


How does it work?

Once you enter the Aimer app, your screen will be full of supposed “work” options that are waiting for you, although they look more like a poorly made presentation converted into an application. There is no menu or interface that you can interact with, you only have one tab and you can move around freely. There is also no search engine, so if you want a specific profession, you have to search for it manually among all the offers.

The jobs are of course both remote and in-person, but the aspect that makes them really interesting is that they have fairly high salaries for the positions they offer. Additionally, some of them offer you a biweekly or even daily payment, which can undoubtedly help those who are most in need. On the other hand, the offers are not specific in terms of where you can apply or leave your resume, it is as if they will only seek to inform you and that’s it.

As it is a supposed application to get a job online, you have no responsibility for the money you must pay us. They comply with helping us get a job, but we must talk about the entire issue of passing with our “employers.”


As I told you, the app washes its hands of this aspect since they do not handle anything related to money. If you want to discuss your pay with someone, it must be your employer.

How often they pay you, by what means it will be, how much they are going to pay you, etc., everything is discussed with an external person and the app cannot intervene in it.


Does Aimer work?

I’m sorry to disappoint you but I think it’s better for you to know the truth, Aimer doesn’t work. If you enter the app you will see some employment options, but beyond getting information regarding the position, it has nothing else to offer. They don’t give you a number to call, nor a place to apply. It’s all a waste of time. It is best that you delete the application and look for other options on platforms that are already established.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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