BanknoteSnap: Banknote Value – Scam Or Legit?  [Review]

BanknoteSnap: Banknote Value – Is it legit?

You may be wondering if BanknoteSnap: Banknote Value is a scam or really pays and you have just come to the right place, I will tell you my experience so you can draw your own conclusions. Remember to read until the end and if you want to comment you are welcome, just make sure you do it respectfully.

Before continuing with the blog, I want to remind you that this is an independent site, we are not looking to promote or promote any of the apps we talk about. We have nothing to do with any studio or app and, like you, we are users, we are looking for an app that really works and we know how annoying it is to find junk apps, which is why we want to avoid that path for you.

Also, if the app doesn’t convince you or it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter, at the bottom you have the name and access to several lists that bring together apps that do pay and can help you. Most apps have articles where you can find more information, although you can leave any questions you have in the comments. But hey, let’s see if BanknoteSnap: Banknote Value is a scam or pays.

What is BanknoteSnap: Banknote Value?

I think that so far BanknoteSnap: Banknote Value is the most curious application I have come across, it is completely different from all the games or apps I have seen and in fact it focuses directly on money, although not in the way what we would expect. From what I could see, the app allows you to upload images of banknotes and identify them through its scanner to know if they are real or have historical value.

The app was created by Betacoders, a studio that doesn’t seem to have much experience in the paid apps niche and doesn’t seem to be very well known either. It is not possible to find information on the web about the company or the app and from what I could tell, this type of application is not very common in the Play Store. Also, another detail that caught my attention is that it seems to be a studio that publishes projects of the first thing that comes to mind in order to have some downloads.

Personally, I think it is both the strangest studio and app I have ever come across and although this intrigues me, it also makes me realize that it is not a reliable place to get money. The Play Store seems to be full of lies and this is one of them.

BanknoteSnap: Banknote Value

Installation and registration in BanknoteSnap: Banknote Value:

You can easily find the application if you search for it by its full name, although it can be confused with other apps. I recommend that before installing it, you also check the name of the studio that created it, so you can make sure you install the correct one. If you can’t find it, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.

To enter, it is not necessary to make any type of registration, you just have to avoid all the ads that are placed on you and the lack of clarity regarding what you should do.

How does it work?

How BanknoteSnap: Banknote Value works is something I don’t understand very well because there is no app and you are constantly bombarded with ads that cover the entire screen. There is also no clear interface that you can consult or a menu in which you can verify what activities you can do, you almost have to go blindly guessing everything.

From what little I understand, you have to upload a photo or take a photo of a bill and the app will look for some detail in it, tell you its history and, in the process, tell you if it is valuable enough for a collection or No. Beyond what I’m telling you, I think it can’t do anything, it’s an app that will verify money and nothing more. You cannot win any rewards and you cannot get any prizes, you will only have information.

Talking about reward here is impossible, you can only carry out one activity and you are not paid for it. Likewise, reward or not, you will have to see ads all the time and there is no way to avoid them.


Earning money is something you will not do with this app, do not try to generate income with it because you will not succeed. I know that some of their ads can be a bit confusing and that is why many think that they can win something, but this is not the case. You will never receive any payment .

BanknoteSnap: Banknote Value

Does BanknoteSnap: Banknote Value pay?

I’m sorry to disappoint you but no, BanknoteSnap: Banknote Value does not pay , it is just one of the many junk apps that you can find in the Play Store. You hardly want to keep the app on your cell phone for longer than necessary, it is not a game, it is not an app that allows you to perform tasks and you just have to watch ads constantly, it is total garbage. It is best that you delete the app and look for other options, I assure you that you have several on our blog.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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