Block Blast – Does it pay?
Well, if you are wondering if Block Blast app pays or is a scam , you have just come to the right place, here you will find all the answers you need so you can draw your own conclusions. Stay until the end and find out if it is a worthwhile app or just a waste of time.
If you are a new reader, I invite you to review other blog entries, here you can find reports of some junk applications that are quite popular and that you may have fallen into. You will also find some worthwhile apps that can help you earn extra money. The applications that work are in lists to make it easier for you to find them, so I recommend reading until the end because there I will give you access to all of them. Each application has an article where you can find more information.
Remember that the blog has nothing to do with any study or application, it is an independent site. Like you, we are users and we understand how annoying it is to find so many junk apps, which is why we want to help you. Our goal is not to promote or promote any of the games or applications we talk about, we only give our opinion and leave our comment box open for other users to share their expectations. But hey, let’s see if Block Blast app is a scam or paid.
What is Block Blast?
Block Blast is a Tetris game similar to Jewel Bricks Crush, a game that I recently reviewed and which had the same theme. In addition, it also offered money as a method to capture the public’s attention. What I’m getting at is that many creators have decided to copy this game because they know it is addictive, but they also have great competition and that is when marketing strategies and lies become present. Finding a game that offers money is not strange, the strange thing is that it really delivers.
This app was created by JSJ Games, a studio that has only published one other app so far and apparently has the same promotion strategy. From what I could see, that game is even more successful than the Block Blast app and this is because it is heavily promoted as a money-making app, even though that is not the case. Every ad you can see from this company is about the same thing: large amounts of money that can be easily earned and withdrawn in a matter of minutes, but the reality is not like that.
I don’t need to tell you; Applications to earn money attract freeloaders and charlatans and that is why finding an app that is real is so complicated. Always asking yourself how legitimate a game is is an excellent option, so you don’t waste time and go on to look for other options.

Installation and registration in Block Blast:
The application is a little difficult to find because it has a fairly short and common name, you should still find it in the list of results. If you find several applications with the same name, it is best to also check the name of the studio, this way you can make sure you install the correct one.
No registration is required to enter, you just have to play and win as much as possible.

How does it work?
The way Block Blast works is the same as conventional Tetris, except that this is an adaptation to mobile phones and it also does not allow you to flip the pieces to better shape them to the space you have. As usual, you will have some aids on the board that can help you for those moments when you feel lost, but they are limited and to recharge them you must watch ads.
Your objective is nothing more than to place the pieces on the board you have and not allow them to reach the limit or run out of space. If this happens, you lose. Every time you complete a line or row, regardless of whether it is horizontal or vertical, you will be able to see how the tiles disappear and leave a space for new blocks. Each level has a different goal and this appears at the top of the screen, although you usually surpass it without even realizing it.
The reward is automatically added to your account in the middle of the game, although you can also see earnings at the end of each level. The ads will not be necessary and although at first you can avoid them, after a while they will be mandatory.

You can request your payment through PayPal or at least this is the only option that appeared to me, if it shows you another I would appreciate it if you would leave it in the comments, so that I complete the information. The minimum withdrawal is $500 dollars and while they can help anyone, they are not real.
Once you meet the minimum payment threshold they will force you to watch ads, then they will add you to a waiting list and then nothing will happen. Everything is a deception.

Does Block Blast pay?
I know that when you were wondering if Block Blast app pays or is a scam you were hoping to get a positive answer, but sadly that is not the case. Block Blast does not pay , it is just another junk app that exists to make money for its creator, but you will never get anything. The game is simply an excuse to make you watch ads, so the creator can monetize his project. It is best that you delete the application and look for other options, for this you have our lists.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: