BNB Rewards Play & Earn, Are You Paying Up? [Review]

BNB Rewards Play & Earn, Is it just a scam?

Today I will tell you about  BNB Rewards Play & Earn , an  application to earn cryptocurrencies by playing , as its name indicates. As much as I want to add an application to the list of  apps that do pay  and that it looks very good, I must first try it in order to make sure that what I recommend is the best, so I did that and well, what Leerás is nothing more than the result of this experience.

Stay until the end to find out everything, how it works and what to expect. If this is an  app that does pay,  we will not hesitate to tell you so that you can get a  good extra income , the same will happen if it is a  scam application . You can rest assured, we don’t promote applications or studies here, so all the information you can find is honest and you can check it yourself.

I really hope this is a  paying app  because it looks promising, but most of it ends up being rubbish. The application was created on February 10 of this year, has more than 1,000 users and was last updated on February 23, so it is extremely new. Not being more, let’s start with this new app and discover everything it has to offer.

What is BNB Rewards Play & Earn?

I think that perhaps in the images you can see what a somewhat generic app is, with generic images and some games that are nothing special, in fact it is already quite common to find them. But hey, after all, we are here to find an  application to earn cryptocurrencies playing  and not to discover the latest game that will revolutionize the internet. At least the app is not reduced to just a boring game with which to open the presentation, since you will have some  offers .

BNB Rewards Play & Earn was created by a study of which we don’t know of other applications, although it has published quite a few (about five more) and of course they are all presented as  apps that do pay , a promise that is extremely common and in which It can not be believed. But hey, at least it is certain that  Next In Studio  is a company that is determined to create an application to earn cryptocurrencies by playing or apps that pay you and that really create sources of income, even if it is only for the creator.

If you set your mind to it, you can find an application to earn cryptocurrencies by playing games , but it seems that this will not be your golden opportunity. The same if you are interested in  applications to earn cryptocurrencies playing  or  cryptocurrencies  in general, you can go to the lists that the blog has and there you can find really legitimate applications.

application to earn cryptocurrencies by playing - app that does pay

Installation and registration in BNB Rewards Play & Earn:

It is easy to find, the only thing I recommend is that you write its name correctly in the  Play Store search engine . Besides, I always recommend you download any app directly from there, instead of an APK whose source is unknown and could endanger your data.

If you cannot find the app, it may be because it is not compatible with your cell phone, so it is automatically discarded. For this there is nothing that can be done. Regarding registration, you will need an email, a password, a referral code and your full name. 

BNB Rewards Play & Earn
BNB Rewards Play & Earn

How does it work?

Once you enter BNB Rewards Play & Earn you will be able to access a menu, in which there are several options available to earn money. There are scratch cards, roulette, mining and some ” airdrops ” that give you points for simple tasks, although it does not seem to be available at the moment. All the rest of the tasks are available at any time you want, only that you must always endure an advertisement followed by the activity so that your reward can be given.

I don’t think there is much to explain, most of these things we have seen in other applications and they are very simple tasks. At the end of the day I think that the names are also quite specific, I don’t think there is much to do if the activity is called scratch cards or roulette, it is already evident from its name. As for the ” airdrops “, they will always present tasks such as following the app on different networks or meeting certain goals in exchange for some rewards.

The reward in this app will be given through some coins , these will then be transformed into tokens to be withdrawn through the Binance network . Don’t expect much, unless it’s “ mining ”, as this is the highest paying, but it will always go from an ad after claiming your coins.

BNB Rewards Play & Earn


As I already told you, you can request your withdrawal through the Binance network , this is called Binance Smart Chain (BSC) , it has a somewhat high Fee and unless you are going to trade within the exchange itself , then I do not recommend it. 

The minimum withdrawal is not yet clear, since apparently because it is such a new app, the option to request payment is not yet available . This seems to be reserved for the future, although I am not confident that it will not even allow you to see some aspects, it will only give you an error and a warning that the option will be activated soon.

Application to earn cryptocurrencies by playing - app that does pay

BNB Rewards Play & Earn Conclusion:

It doesn’t seem like a reliable application to me at all, although it is shown as an application to earn money playing games , the truth is that they do not even seem to recognize the cryptocurrencies within it. I don’t know if there is talk of any cryptocurrency , the value of the coins at the time of exchange or some aspects that can give more credibility. BNB Rewards Play & Earn is an app that does not pay, although if this changes in the future we will notify you. At the moment I recommend that you better look for any other app that does pay.

If you want to know  apps that do pay  and that are already verified, you can go to the different lists that the blog has. To access these lists, you only need to go to the blog menu and from there look for the following names:  “25 Best Apps To Earn Money” ,  “Applications to earn money online 2023” ,  “Applications to earn free cryptocurrencies” ,  “Five apps that help you earn extra money”  and  “Best apps to earn extra money 2023” .

Apart below you will have the link to the most extensive list of all, there you can find even more  apps that do pay  and inform you correctly about each one of them. I also advise you that every time you want to install one of these  applications to earn money,  first check what information there is about it and if you do not get anything, leave your name in the comments, we will review it as soon as possible.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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