Brilliant Steps Plus – Review:
You may be wondering if Brilliant Steps Plus really pays after seeing it in several ads, luckily you came to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. After seeing it in advertisements I decided to try it and see what its results were, keep reading to find out if it works or not.
If this is the first time you are entering the blog, I clarify that we are an independent site, we have no intention of promoting any of the apps we talk about. Like you, we are users, we look for apps that really pay and we know how annoying it is to find a junk app, which is why we seek to warn our readers. In each of our articles you can find honest and real opinions no matter what the result is.
Also, if this app does not convince you, you can go to our lists, where you can find different apps that pay and can help you. Most of the apps on the lists are games that pay you to use them, but this is not the only thing you can find. Ok, now let’s see if Brilliant Steps Plus app really pays or not.
What is Brilliant Steps Plus?
Brilliant Steps Plus is an app that promises you a payment for each step you take or well, rather a payment for meeting a goal that will determine each day, but you won’t have to do anything other than walk. Apps of this type are quite common and for some time they have become more than popular in the Play Store, some simply with the aim of helping their users lead a healthier life and others with the promise of also paying them for this, but most fail in this last objective.
This application was created by Erz Games – Simulator, a studio that so far is just another publication that has no success. From what I could see, it is an unknown company so far and it is not easy to find information about it anywhere. Even the Play Store has data about the apps, but not the company. Now, it is possible to find some reviews about the app, but none of these are positive and I think this already warns us a little about what we are going to find.
Any app that offers money should be tested to see if it is real or not because I assure you that most are not. Search for information whenever you can, this will help you know what to expect and save some time.

Installation and registration in Brilliant Steps Plus:
Finding this app is simple since it is quite popular at the moment, I still recommend you check the name of the company that created it and avoid anything. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone.
To enter the app you do not need to register. You can rest assured, your data will not be requested at any time.

How does it work?
When you enter Brilliant Steps Plus you will see different options, although what stands out the most is a dashboard where you can find information about the daily steps you take. On this dashboard you can see information such as daily steps, the goal you must meet, the number of kilometers you have traveled and the calories you have burned. You also have some bonuses in the middle of the screen that can help you get the minimum payment faster.
Walking is the main activity of this app and to do this you must give permission to access your physical activity. If you do not accept this permission you will not be able to get any reward. On the other hand, in the menu that appears at the bottom of the screen you can get other options that allow you to earn extra money such as some mini games and other activities that you can report to earn extra coins. Activities are simply daily tasks such as waking up, drinking water, etc.
Your reward is automatically added to your balance, you can check this in your transaction history. Sometimes it will be necessary to watch ads to claim your winnings, but this is not worth it.

You can request your payment through PayPal, Amazon, CashApp, Google Play, VISA and Steam, although the result will be the same regardless of the method. The minimum payment is $500 for all options and although it may seem like a tempting figure, the truth is that it is just a deception.
This app does not pay, its only function is to make you see ads to generate income for its creator, but nothing more.

Does Brilliant Steps Plus pay?
The truth is that Brilliant Steps Plus does not pay, it is just a junk application. No matter how much you use it or how much time you dedicate to it, the truth is that in the end this app does not work unless the only thing you are looking for is to control your daily habits, but nothing more. If you want to earn money you must delete the app and look for other options, to do this I recommend checking our lists.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: