Candy Line App – Review:
You may be wondering if Candy Line is legit or scam after seeing it in some ads, luckily you came to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. Don’t forget to review the entire article if you want to know all the information available.
Before continuing, I remind you that this blog is independent, we have no relationship with the application or the studio that created it. Just like you, we are users, we know how annoying it is to find a junk app and we always try to help you avoid them. On this blog you will find reviews of other apps that also offer money, these reviews will be honest and unbiased no matter what the end result is.
Also, if this application is not what you are looking for, it doesn’t matter, at the end of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that pay and can help you. Among the different applications, what stands out the most are the games, but this does not mean that it is the only thing you can find. Anyway, let’s see if Candy Line app is legitimate or scam.
What is Candy Line?
Although in principle you might think that Candy Line is a game similar to Candy Crush, this is not the case, this game has a slightly different dynamic that allows us to join two extremes without having to move the pieces on the screen. I have seen games similar to this before and although none have been legit and I have ended up wasting a lot of time, I still hope to find a game of this type that actually works.
In case you’re wondering, this app was created by PET LABO SOLUTION, a studio that has three other games published, but these have not achieved much success. There is no information available about the company on the web, there are only a few details in the Play Store and these are not very revealing, so we are going a bit blind. It is also not possible to find information about the game, no matter how much I searched it was impossible to find reviews that could tell us what the public thinks about it.
The game is simple and can allow us to earn money easily if it is real, but this does not seem to be the case. No app in the Play Store can replace your work or become a main source of income, anyone who promises it is lying.

Installation and registration in Candy Line:
Finding this application is easy because it is quite popular at the moment, I still recommend you check the name of the company that created it to avoid confusion. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.
To enter the app you must not register, the app will not request your data at any time.

How does it work?
When you enter Candy Line you will receive a series of instructions in which you can learn a little more about how the game works, something that is quite simple. Once you start playing, you just have to look for the opposite end of the starting point, then draw a line that completely covers the available space and this way you can beat the level. As usual, in each level you will have some help, but it is not necessary.
To start playing you just have to keep in mind the circle that is marked at a point on the screen, from this you must draw a line with your finger that completely covers each available space. The candies that are on the screen are not touched, it is not necessary that you connect or move them in any way, when the line is drawn they will be blocked and will be able to add points to your balance. Each level will be a little more complicated than the last, but in general you should do this.
Your reward is automatically added to your balance, you can see this at the top of the screen. Some ads will be shown when you go to claim your winnings, they will be mandatory and you will not be able to close them until after 30 seconds.

This is possibly the most disappointing point in any game, but this does not mean that there are no legitimate apps, it just means that you have to look very carefully. Anyway, this app does not have payment methods or similar, so we can see that it is a scam.

Does Candy Line pay?
I’m sorry to disappoint you but the truth is that Candy Line does not pay, it is a normal game that will not give you any type of reward. The game may be entertaining for some and you may even create the illusion that it will really pay, but the reality is that it is all a deception. This app only benefits its creator, no one else will see anything positive about the game.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:
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