Cash Sorter App – Review:
If after seeing one of its ads you are wondering if Cash Sorter is a scam, you have come to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. Please note that for this article I will be relying solely on my experience.
My intention with this article is only to inform, I am not seeking to promote or promote the app in any way. This blog is independent and we have no relationship with the application or the studio that created it, we only seek to warn other users so that they do not waste their time on junk apps. If you want to know all the information about this application and see if it is worth it or not, I recommend that you review the entire article, here you will find the answers you are looking for.
Also at the end of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that do pay, check them out. Each of the lists has different applications and although most of them are games, you can find other options. Well, now we see if Cash Sorter app is scam or works.
What is Cash Sorter?
After playing for a while I still don’t know what words are appropriate to describe Cash Sorter , I can only tell you that it is a simple game in which you have to form some groups with the bills. This game is common in the Play Store, although they generally have another setting instead of banknotes, but it seems that this time they wanted to do it in accordance with the theme they promoted in their advertisements.
This app was created by Explorer Studio, a company that does not have any other publications so far. In case you are wondering, although the game is similar to many other applications, it does not have any study partners, this only happens because they are constantly copying each other’s ideas. Also in the niche of money-making apps it seems that they are just the same 5 games over and over again, just with different names and some slight variations.
The point is that generally these apps are published to achieve success that other publications did not achieve and that is when the danger begins for users. Always remember to look for information and review on unbiased sites.

Installation and registration in Cash Sorter:
Finding this app is a really difficult task, you won’t be able to find it unless you search for it on the web next to the name of the company that created it or enter from an advertisement. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and for this there is no solution, you must look for other options.
No registration is necessary to enter, your data will be safe.

How does it work?
Once you enter Cash Sorter you will see a board on which there are several bills placed and some spaces to organize at the bottom. You will also have a menu at the top right that appears once you press the nut and allows you to access different settings of your account. You will also have some help, but this will not be important.
To start playing you just have to press one of the bills, it will go to one of the groups at the bottom of the screen intended to organize the bills. The objective is for the screen to be completely empty, for this you must form each bill or coin in the corresponding place. In essence, you don’t have to do any other tasks and most of the levels will be similar, only more tickets are added as you complete games.
Your reward is added automatically once you successfully complete the game, although not everything will be so easy because after a while it will become mandatory to watch ads.

You can request your payment through PayPal as the only option, although nothing else is really necessary. The minimum payment is $300 dollars and although it may seem like a good figure, it is just another deception. You will never get your payment .

Does Cash Sorter pay?
The truth is that no, Cash Sorter does not pay and this is evident from the first moment, although I understand that if you are a new user you may think that it does pay, but now that you know the truth you know what to do. It is best that you delete the app from your phone and share this information with anyone else you know who needs it, this would help the blog and those close to you a lot.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: