Cash Walk – Walk to Earn Money – Review:
If you’re still wondering if Cash Walk – Walk to Earn Money is legit , you have come to the right place. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the app. Remember that for this article I’ll base it solely on my experience.
Before continuing, I want to clarify that this blog is independent, we have no relationship with the application or the studio that published it. We are not looking to promote it in any way and we do not hold them responsible for the reward it offers, we are users just like you and we only want to test it and disprove or verify if it really works, but we have no relationship with the project. In this article you will find reviews and a summary of our experience and results, our only intention is to help you make the best decision.
Also, if this app is not what you are looking for, you can go to our lists, where you will find different apps that are verified and are paying. All the apps on these lists have been verified at the time and are safe, they address different topics and among them you can find apps that pay for walking, as well as different themes or offers, check them out. Anyway, let’s see if Cash Walk – Walk to Earn Money is legitimate or not.
What is Cash Walk – Walk to Earn Money?
As the name suggests, Cash Walk – Walk to Earn Money is an app that promises to pay you for using it and walking on a daily basis, a common task that would be great to get money for, but it sounds too good to be true. There are currently several projects with this type of premise on the Play Store, the problem is that most of them are a scam and the real ones are based on token projects that create an entire ecosystem to sustain themselves, something that does not seem to exist in this app.
In case you’re wondering, this app was published by PCBox Group, a studio without much recognition that has 11 other projects published. So far, none of the apps from this company are particularly successful or relevant, although at least you can see an effort on the part of the creator to bring varied themes to its followers. Most of the apps are focused on camera services and none of them seem to offer money or any kind of reward for using them.
From my experience I can assure you that it is normal to see profiles of companies of this type when you look for an app that supposedly pays, the problem is that this profile always corresponds to a garbage project from a creator looking for easy money.

Installation and registration in Cash Walk – Walk to Earn Money:
Finding this app is easy, although it can be confused with other projects, which is why I recommend checking the name of the company that published it to avoid confusion. If you are not given the option to install it, it may be due to compatibility issues with your phone, since it is available to everyone.
You don’t need to register or select an option, just tap the icon that appears on your screen after downloading.
How does it work?
The way Cash Walk – Walk to Earn Money works is really simple, you just have to make sure you activate the tracking permission that it asks for and complete the daily goal. When you enter the app, the first thing it will ask you is to access the permission that I mentioned, you must do this if you want to earn money, otherwise the steps will never be added to your balance. After activating this permission you can explore its interface, which will not take you much time since it is really simple.
By default, the app has a limit of 2,000 steps per day, although you can modify this figure to increase or decrease the number. In any case, when the app is opened, your steps will start to count, and it also has a mode that allows it to operate in the background, ensuring that you don’t miss any steps even if you have to attend to other tasks. However, keep in mind that this mode can drain your battery in less time. Once you complete the goal, the money will go into your account, and you also have a kind of bonus that you can access after a certain number of seconds.
Your reward is automatically added to your balance every time you reach the goal, although in some cases it is mandatory to watch ads for this to happen.

You can request your payment through PayPal, Amazon and Google Play , the result will be the same in all methods and you will not be able to make any direct claim to these companies since they do not provide any support to the game. The minimum payment is $5 dollars in all options and although it seems a much more realistic figure than on other occasions, it is still a scam.
Collecting the coins needed to reach the minimum payout is almost impossible, to get there you will have to watch too many ads and believe me, your patience will eventually run out. This app does not work, it is just another scam.

Does Cash Walk – Walk to Earn Money pay?
Although I would like to bring you some good news, the truth is that Cash Walk – Walk to Earn Money doesn’t pay, it is just a junk app. You can take 2,000 steps or even more steps a day, in the end it will be of no use because the money that accumulates in your account cannot be withdrawn. Using this app is just a waste of time, unless you really believe that it has a use for tracking your fitness, but earning money will not be possible.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: