Clash Of Pets: Sweety Match – Free Cryptocurrencies? [Review]

Clash Of Pets: Sweety Match – Scam or Legit?

Maybe at this point you are wondering if Clash Of Pets: Sweety Match pays or is a scam and I understand it, after seeing so many junk apps I think anyone could have doubts about these, it’s just that someone had to step forward and try it and that person is me. Stay until the end if you want to find out everything and know if it really pays or is just another lie.

For this article I will base it solely on my experience, although I must confess that since it is such a new game I decided to look for other opinions and compare them with what I saw in there. You can still rest assured, we will not lie to you about the result since we are an independent blog, we have nothing to do with any studio or app and we are not looking to promote any of these games. Just like you, we are users, we know how annoying it is to find junk apps and that is why we want to avoid this for you.

You can leave in the comments how your experience was, from this we can know if it is a legitimate app, give us some advice and know if it is really worth using it or not. Also in the final part of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that do pay, I recommend you review them, there you will have several options. The lists mostly have games to earn free money, but these are not the only options you can get. Well, let’s see if Clash Of Pets: Sweety Match is a scam or pays.

What is Clash Of Pets: Sweety Match?

Clash Of Pets: Sweety Match is presented as a F2Earn game or what translates as a game to earn free money, only this time it is focused on cryptocurrencies and NFTs . The game is extremely simple and is divided into a puzzle in which you can try your luck and earn some extra coins, while the other area is to make some constructions and expand the place where your pet is.

In case you’re wondering, the app was created by Coinary LTD , a studio that has published 3 other apps so far. The company seems to be new and there is not much information available on the web yet, and you can only see reviews on one of its apps and they are not very good. It seems that the study is totally focused on the world of cryptocurrencies, but when it comes to distributing the reward to its users, the story is totally different from what they promise: everything gets complicated and the payment is never received.

Personally, it was very difficult for me to use this app, every time it got stuck and on some occasions it left without warning. I invite you to leave me in the comments if you had a similar experience or if it was just something of the moment. But hey, with all this, I already have the answer to our question, so let’s continue.

Clash Of Pets: Sweety Match

Installation and registration in Clash Of Pets: Sweety Match:

You can find the application easily because it has a somewhat particular name, although I recommend that you also check the name of the company that created it and make sure you install the correct one. If you can’t find it, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone. For this, there is no solution and it is best to look for other options.

To enter you can register through your Google account, Facebook account or simply enter as a guest from the “Play as a guest” option.

How does it work?

Once you enter Clash Of Pets: Sweety Match you have some small instructions so you can understand the app a little better, then you can quietly explore wherever you want. You will have a kind of pet that you must take care of and also a menu from which you can access different places, such as the main game, a land to build some things and trust your own.

The main objective is in the puzzle game, which is nothing more than a simple copy of Candy Crush, but adapted to the theme of the game. When you select this game you will have a brief explanation before starting and they will show you some powers that you can use if you get stuck, although to use them you will have to watch ads. Everything you earn in this game can be used to take care of your pet, this way you will get other rewards and unlock some tokens for your NFT. You will also have a space to build, but this is worth a lot, although it allows you to buy more pets and increase your profits.

The reward is added randomly to your account and is divided between coins and diamonds , of course each one will have a different task and value. As always, you can also watch some ads to earn even more, but I don’t highly recommend this.


You can request your payment through different cryptocurrencies such as BNB, Shina Inu, Dogecoin, Litecoin , etc. The minimum withdrawal varies depending on the value of each crypto and is not information that is visible, so if you know this I would appreciate it if you left it in the comments.

The app will give you a wallet for each cryptocurrency and you can link it to your withdrawal wallet, but it’s not worth it because it doesn’t work.

Clash Of Pets: Sweety Match

Does Clash Of Pets: Sweety Match pay?

No, Clash Of Pets: Sweety Match does not pay and the best thing you can do is stay away from it, although you may like the game, in that case you are free to choose whether to continue with it or not. In my case I uninstalled the app because it didn’t make any sense to keep it on my cell phone, it’s not going to pay me and the game didn’t really catch my attention much. My recommendation is that you delete it, but this is your decision, only this way you can get free space for an app that really works.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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