Connect Fish – Color Line Game – Review:
If you’re wondering if Connect Fish – Color Line Game is a scam or legit, you’ve come to the right place. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the app. Don’t forget to check out the entire article, where you will find the answers you are looking for.
Before continuing, I want to clarify that this article will be based solely on my experience, I am not looking to promote the app in any way or convince you to use it. We are users, just like you, we look for apps that really pay and we understand how annoying it is to find a junk app, which is why we always try to help you avoid them. In each of our articles you will have an honest and impartial opinion, no matter what the result is or how popular the project is. We will always tell you the truth.
On the other hand, if this game doesn’t catch your attention, it doesn’t matter, at the end of the article you will find different options that you can check out. The lists I’ll leave you mostly feature games that pay to use them, although this is not the only thing you can find, you can also find survey or video apps. Well, now let’s see if Connect Fish – Color Line Game is a scam or legit.
What is Connect Fish – Color Line Game?
Connect Fish – Color Line Game is a game where you have to connect different dots on the screen, or well, some fish that will be randomly placed on your screen. I personally like this type of game, I find it entertaining, but if the creator decided to advertise it as an option to generate income, that will be the point I focused on the most and the one I will judge since I know that all users come to this article to find answers.
In case you were wondering, this app was published by S.Laam Studios, a studio that has only one other game that isn’t that popular. This game apparently doesn’t offer any kind of reward to its users and this seems to be what doomed it to failure, after all, there are plenty of racing and car games that you can rely on and have fun with, so the creator must have really done a good job of standing out or opting for lies to promote themselves, but it seems like they didn’t do either of the two measures.
Anyway, this seems to be the typical case of an unsuccessful studio desperately seeking some kind of attention or relevance, and unfortunately this seems to be achieved with more than questionable marketing strategies.

Installation and registration in Connect Fish – Color Line Game:
Finding this app is easy since it has a unique name, but I recommend checking the name of the company that published it since it can be confused with other projects. If you are not given the option to install it, it may be due to compatibility issues with your phone.
To enter you do not need to register, your data will not be relevant until the time comes to make the withdrawal.

How does it work?
When you enter Connect Fish – Color Line Game you’ll see a board with some fish scattered around the screen. There you will notice that each one of these represents a species and a color and your goal will be to connect those that are the same. On the screen you will also have some boxes that give you direct access to your profile, your wallet and various aids that can save you at certain times. Remember that these aids are limited and if you have to use them you will see ads.
As I told you, your objective is none other than to join the different fish through a line, for this you have to join two fish that are identical in size and color. Once you locate those fish that you want to join you just have to start pressing the starting point and without letting go of the screen, drag your finger until you reach the other fish. Before making any movement I recommend that you observe very well since all the fish share space, you must arrange yourself so that you can draw all the lines without any interruption and for this it is better to have a previously thought-out strategy.
Your reward is automatically added to your balance, you can see this at the top and in your wallet. Please note that in some cases you can earn bonuses in the middle of the game but this will not be the case, the most important thing is to successfully complete the level to claim your coins.

You can request your payment through PayPal and the minimum payment is $300, a figure that can make anyone happy, but it is a scam. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to get this figure because you’ll receive less and less money, and even if you reach the figure, it will be of no use to you because the app will not process your payment.

Does Connect Fish – Color Line Game pay?
I would really like to give you a positive feedback, but the truth is that Connect Fish – Color Line Game doesn’t pay, it is just another piece of junk. The game is fine and even enjoyable, it is also fluid and fun in some cases, but it is not what I would look for to make money. The app generates income of course, the problem is that this is just a scam. No user will benefit, the money goes into the creator’s pocket. The best thing is that you delete the app and look for other options.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: