Draw & Park App – Review:
You may be wondering if Draw & Park is a scam or paid after seeing it in an ad, luckily you came to the right place, I will tell you everything I could find about the app. I invite you to read the entire article to find out the answers you are looking for.
Before continuing, I clarify that this blog is independent, we have no relationship with the application or the studio that created it. For this article I will base it solely on my experience, I am not trying to convince you to try it or lie about what you can find. If you want, you can tell us about your experience in the comment box, it will always be available so that everyone can contribute to improving the information provided to readers.
On the other hand, if this app doesn’t convince you, it doesn’t matter, at the end of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that do pay, check them out. Each of the lists has different applications, all of them are proven and can help you generate extra income. Anyway, let’s see if Draw & Park app is a scam or paid.
What is Draw & Park?
I think the name Draw & Park couldn’t be better, it’s the clearest description of what you should do: draw a line and park a car. The game is quite simple, although as you go through the levels things can get a little complicated, so I recommend that you observe the whole scene and create a strategy before starting.
This application was created by Helmer Tech, a studio that so far has 5 other publications that have nothing to do with games. From what you ask to review, the company has published apps on different topics, but no other games and above all, there is no other app on its profile that promises money in exchange for using it. Personally, I think that publishing an app that supposedly pays is a simple trick, a marketing strategy.
Helmer Tech is an unsuccessful company, it has launched project after project without much impact, so it seems to have created a new path that will allow it to achieve downloads and success quickly, although this is not necessarily good for its users.

Installation and registration in Draw & Park:
Finding this app is simple, I still recommend entering from an ad or searching for it on the web to have better results. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone since it does not work on some models.
To enter you do not have to register, your data will not be requested at any time. They will not ask you for your information later either.
How does it work?
How Draw & Park works is quite simple, although you must have good observation and strategy to avoid blocking your own path. This game does not have instructions of any kind, although they are not necessary either, you just have to draw some lines and take the cars to the point indicated in each level. You don’t have any help, although as a positive point, you don’t have a time limit.
To start you will only have two cars of two different colors, if you look closely you will see that there are also some positions marked on the floor with an identical color to each one, this will be the first clue to know what we have to do. The lines must be drawn from the car to the indicated place based on the colors that are on the floor, each car will have its respective partner and if you manage to join them correctly you will see how it remains parked in the place. The lines cannot overlap or they will cut off the path.
Your reward is automatically added to your balance, you can see this in the box at the top. Your coins go straight to your balance if you successfully complete the level.

Once again we are faced with a disappointment, and that is that the app is presented as an option to generate income, but this is not true. No matter how much you play, you will never have a withdrawal option. It’s all a deception.

Does Draw & Park pay?
The truth is that no, Draw & Park does not pay, it is just a junk app. You may like the game and find it entertaining, but you won’t be able to make money with it. If you want to keep it on your phone it will be at your own risk, just remember that it appears to be a scam app. Now, if you want an app to earn money, I invite you to delete it and look for other options, our lists are for that.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: