Emoji Legend: is it scam?

Emoji Legend is a puzzle game that is promoted online as a pay-to-play app. The reality is the opposite of what the advertising says, since the platform does not pay under any circumstances. The app manifests several gimmicks to attract new users and retain them within the platform as long as possible.
The following review denies everything that says the advertising of Emoji Legend, read it to the end to find out everything.

Emoji Legend: is it legit?

Emoji Legend is not a legitimate app because it does not pay what it claims and is being publicized through false advertising. Emoji Legend is in early access because the developer does not want users to reveal how fraudulent the app is.

What is Emoji Legend?

Emoji Legend is a moderately entertaining basic puzzle game created by the developer 600 Game Studio, famous for creating fake apps. The aesthetics of the game is inspired by a futuristic environment of the year 2048.
To download Emoji Legend on your cell phone, just go to Google Play Store and search for it by its name. If you do not find it, it is because it is not compatible with your device.
To enter the game you do not need any registration, which is negative because you will not have control of your evolution as a player.

How to play?

When you enter Emoji Legend you will see an empty board where you have to place each piece that the game gives you. The pieces have a different emoji or figure and this will be the way in which they can be distinguished from each other. Besides, there will be some boxes to access to some configurations, but they are not a priority.
The goal is to launch and organize the tiles that appear at the bottom of the screen. You must pay attention to the shape of each one, remember that if two tiles are identical you can join them and form a new tile. The game also has a number on its visible side. This number is also important when forming pairs and every time you make a group you will see that the numbers of both are added.
Emoji Legend gives rewards throughout the game, so you should keep an eye on it. The app gives coins that will go to an account that you can’t even access. Everything proves that this is a fake app.


Emoji Legend does not present any payment method to withdraw winnings. The money earned is fictitious and is part of the game. The app is a scam, as indicated by all the indications against it.

Emoji Legend resorts to misleading advertising to catch new users. The app claims to pay to play and thus be attractive to users. Unfortunately, players realize that the platform is fraudulent after playing for a long time.

Conclusion of Emoji Legend

Emoji Legend does not pay because it is a fake app of the many that are in Google Play Store. You should not download this app to your cell phone and if you already have it downloaded, delete it right now. Emoji Legend represents a waste of time and the best thing to do is to avoid it. The app will only take up space on your device and waste battery uselessly. Remember to research every app that catches your attention before downloading it to your cell phone. This way you will save time and you will know sooner if an app is fake or legitimate. Many apps are fraudulent and will never make you money as advertised online.
If you want to generate extra income through legitimate apps, explore AppsPayingMe, here you will find platforms that are paying in a timely manner. These apps will pay you to play games, register on websites, perform tasks, among other activities. AppsPayingMe analyzes each app that comes out in Google Play Store and analyzes if it pays or not, delivering a reliable review. The key to earn money with legitimate apps is that you dedicate some of your free time to perform the activities they propose and finally generate that extra income you are looking for.



Emoji Legend does not pay.

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