Football Match Three – Legit app or scam?

Football Match Three – Review:

If you want to know if Football Match Three is legit after seeing it in ads, you’ve come to the right place. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the app. Keep in mind that for this article I’ll be basing it solely on my experience.

Before continuing, I want to clarify that this blog is independent, we’ve no relationship with the application or the studio that published it, we don’t seek to promote the app in any way. We are users, just like you, we look for apps that really pay and we understand how annoying it’s to find a junk app, so we seek to help you avoid them. Our goal has always been to inform and help our readers, so in each article you will have an honest and impartial opinion regardless of the result.

Also, throughout our search we have found some working apps that you can turn to in case this game isn’t what you’re looking for. The legitimate apps are gathered in lists that you can review to compare and select the one that catches your attention the most, check them out. Anyway, let’s see if Football Match Three app is legitimate or a scam.

What is Football Match Three?

I was honestly expecting to see something similar to penalty shoot-out games or any game with a real setting that would tell us “this is football”, but the reality is that Football Match Three is a game where you have to arrange objects. This game is like a kind of mahjong but adapted to mobile devices and with some touches that distinguish it and make it look more modern, although this is not enough to cover the game’s flaws and its annoying ads.

Anyway, this app was published by YUDHA APPS, a studio that has a curious app that throws random numbers at you and you’ve to guess which number it is. Whether that other app works in some scenarios or not, I don’t know, all I know is that it was a failure and it’s possible that it forced the creation of Football Match Three to save the studio since it really is a project that has passed without pain or glory.

YUDHA APPS is a company that has gained some relevance thanks to its constant advertisements and false promises of money, this is a common strategy in the Play Store and although it is banned, Google still has not managed to control the problem.

Download Football Match Three

Installation and registration in Football Match Three:

Finding this app is easy as it is quite popular, you can access it through its ads or with a quick search on Google Play. If it doesn’t give you the option to install or presents any error it may be due to compatibility problems with your phone as it’s available to everyone.

To enter you do not need to register or meet any requirement, you can add your data later through the configuration box.

Download Football Match Three

How does it work?

Once you enter Football Match Three you’ll see a kind of avatar that greets you and you’ll have access to a short tutorial and tour of the app that allows you to explore the most important squares. Getting through the tutorial is fairly easy and once this happens you can start playing on your own, you just have to make sure you meet the requirements that are required to complete each of the groups.

When the game starts you’ll have access to some objects that are spread out in cupboards that are on different levels, some will have few objects or even just one, while the rest will have a few extra figures. Keep in mind that groups are formed when you manage to select three figures that are the same, once you manage to do this they will move to the spaces that appear at the bottom of the screen and will be eliminated. These spaces that appear at the bottom of the screen can also be used to clear part of the path and access the higher shelves, but they cannot all be occupied or else you’ll not have room for the group and you’ll lose.

Every time you complete your goal or beat a level you’ll be able to access your reward. This is claimed in a few seconds and in some cases it is mandatory to watch ads.

Football Match Three app


You can request your payment through PayPal, although in some countries there are other types of methods. The application does not have a minimum payment, the only requirement you must complete to access the withdrawal is to exceed level 5, a rule that is increasingly common and is strategic for creators.

When a minimum payment amount is set, it is easier for the user to understand that it is something unrealistic or to begin to realize that they have fallen into a trap, while in an app with a limit set at a level, it is easier to maintain the lie and make the user believe that they’ve not tried hard enough.

Football Match Three app

Does Football Match Three pay?

I would really like to bring you some good news, but the reality is that Football Match Three doesn’t pay, it’s just a rubbish app. You can try as many times as possible, plan different strategies and try for days but in the end the result will be the same, the app does not pay and it never will. This app is designed so that you are the product, they’ll make you watch several ads so that you fall for some of their lies and at the same time generate income for its creator.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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