Forex Royale App – Review:
You may be wondering if Forex Royale is legitimate after seeing it in some ads, and reviewing the comments that appear in the Play Store, I could see that many users are still confused about how the app works. If you want to know everything about the project, I invite you to read the entire article, I will try to answer all your questions.
Before continuing, I clarify that this blog has no relationship with the application or the studio that created it, we are an independent site. For this article I will base it solely on my experience, I am not looking to promote the app in any way, I just want to inform our readers to clarify their doubts and not waste their time in case it is not what they are looking for. I also invite you to review our other articles, we constantly update with reviews of other apps that also offer money.
On the other hand, if this application does not convince you, it doesn’t matter, at the end of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that pay and can help you. All the apps in the lists are tested and paying, check them out. Anyway, let’s see if Forex Royale app is legitimate or not.
What is Forex Royale?
Well, Forex Royale is exactly what its name suggests, a platform for trading in binary options, although its operation is not what users believe. In this application you can find a platform that offers us challenges, tutorials, graphs and traders that we can follow to learn new strategies or finally understand what this market is about.
In case you’re wondering, this app was created by Edusystems OU, a studio that seems to be committed to its users and their learning. All of its publications (5 apps) are aimed at the trading market, they explore different markets and help us better understand how they work to develop our strategy before starting to operate with a real broker. If you still don’t understand it, this company focuses 100% on teaching, none of its apps allow you to open real operations or operate with real money.
For those who are just starting out in trading, surely one of these apps could be of great help; You can complete challenges, access real-time market information and operate with play money to start gaining more experience in the field.

Installation and registration in Forex Royale:
Finding this application is really simple, although you may get a little confused because several projects have a similar name. Before installing it, I recommend you check the name of the company that created it to avoid any confusion.
To enter the app you do not require any registration, you just have to configure your language and the strategy you will follow.

How does it work?
Once you enter Forex Royale you will be able to take a tour of its different windows, among them the one that stands out the most is in the middle and gives you the graphs and interface to open operations and monitor the market. From the beginning the app makes it quite clear that it is only a learning platform and that the money earned or lost is fictitious, yet many users complain about this in the comments since they expected to win real money.
This application can help you better understand the market and develop your strategy to start trading on real brokers, but it is not possible to make money with it. You can explore different currencies, open operations, keep notes of your movements, follow traders with a little more experience, etc., but you can’t wait to make money because it is focused on teaching and that’s all, the attention is on that point, not in generating income.
The money you earn will be fictitious , you can see it in the balance that appears at the top of the screen and with it you can carry out new operations. Profits and losses will accumulate at the end of the day, the important thing is to know how to handle the pressure and develop an analytical and reliable strategy to operate.

As I have been telling you throughout the article, this app does not make payments to users, the money handled there is fictitious. You cannot make any deposits and you cannot request withdrawals, the accumulated money can be used to continue learning, but you will never see it in your pockets.

Does Forex Royale pay?
Again, Forex Royale does not pay, however, if you want to learn a little more about the Forex market it can be an excellent ally. Keep in mind that success in this type of apps does not guarantee future success in real brokers, they can still help you develop better technique and analysis skills for your path as a trader. If you are not interested in this market or trading in general is fine, I invite you to look for other apps that allow you to generate extra income without investment.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: