Fun Blast App – Review:
You may be wondering if Fun Blast is legit or scam after seeing it in ads, luckily you came to the right place, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the app. Before continuing, I remind you that for this article I’ll base it solely on my experience.
This blog is independent, we have no relationship with the app or the studio that published it, we do not seek to promote it in any way. Our goal with this article is to inform because just like you we are users, we look for apps that really pay and we understand how annoying it is to find a junk app. In each of our articles you will find an honest and impartial opinion regardless of the result, we always seek to inform and help our readers regardless of the result or how popular the app is.
On the other hand, throughout our search we have found several apps that are worthwhile and can help you, they are gathered in lists to make it easier for you to find them. All the apps are safe and legitimate, check them out, you will surely find one that catches your attention. Okay, now let’s see if Fun Blast app is legit or scam.
What is Fun Blast?
Fun Blast is a game in which you’ve to burst some bubbles, they will fall straight to the ground and you will have to look for groups that contain at least three identical ones, then press them to eliminate them. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a game like this, lately it seems that they are all similar if not an exact copy of others that precede them. Anyway, the really important thing is the money they offer us for beating each game, so that will be the only thing I will focus on.
In case you’re wondering, this app was published by Moath.Dev, a studio that only has one other app that is not related to the topic. In fact, this other release seems to be available only in one language spoken in Asia, so it can hardly reach users on this side of the world. Anyway, the fact is that there is no history of this company in the niche and there are no mentions about it on the forums, so we don’t know what to expect.
Any game that offers you money should be reviewed in detail, many show signs from the beginning that demonstrate what a great scam it is, but some users ignore it with the hope of winning some money.

Installation and registration in Fun Blast:
Finding this app is easy, although it can be confused with other projects, so I recommend checking the name of the company that published it to avoid confusion. If you are not given the option to install it, it may be due to compatibility issues with your phone, since it is available to everyone.
To access the app you do not need to register or meet any requirements, you just have to touch the icon that appears on your screen after finishing the download.
How does it work?
When you enter Fun Blast you’ll see a kind of hole in the floor, where bubbles will fall randomly. Your goal will be to find those that are in groups of at least three identical pieces. Each level will have a different goal that you can check at the top of the screen. They will show you the number of pieces you must eliminate in each color and will keep track of the ones you have eliminated and the ones you need to eliminate.
When the bubbles fall you will have to start looking for at least three pieces that have some kind of contact and the same color. Remember that they don’t even have to be next to each other, they just have to touch each other in some way. If you get a group that meets these characteristics you just have to press one of the bubbles, the reaction will make the rest also burst and be eliminated from your screen. As I said, at the top of the screen a countdown will appear that shows you how many you need to reach your goal.
Once you manage to complete your objective, the game will end and you will have the option to claim your reward , although in some cases it will be mandatory to watch ads.

You can request your payment through PayPal, the most popular platform among these games, although it does not provide any kind of support for applications or games. The minimum payment is $300, from there you can find other larger and increasingly unrealistic figures.
If getting a $300 payout for playing seems almost impossible, just wait until you see the rewards board that this app has, there is no way to believe that its payouts are real .

Does Fun Blast pay?
I’m sorry to disappoint you again, but Fun Blast doesn’t pay, it’s just a junk app like so many others we’ve seen on this blog. No matter how much effort you put into it or how much time you spend on the game, in the end the result will always be the same: you’ll waste your time. This app was created with the sole intention of generating income for its creator and it does this through the ads it forces us to watch, it’s all a scam.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: