GameTime – Does it work?
Surely you are wondering if GameTime is a scam or paid and luckily you came to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. Remember that for this article I will base it solely on my opinion, you can comment and tell us yours.
Before continuing, I want to make it clear that this blog is independent, we have nothing to do with any studio or app. Just like you, we are users and we are looking for apps that really pay, we know how annoying it is to find a junk app and that is why we try to avoid that path for you. If an application is legitimate, I will tell you so you can use it with confidence, the same if it is a junk app, I will tell you so you don’t waste your time.
Also, it doesn’t matter what the result is this time, at the bottom you will have the name and access to several lists that include apps that do pay, check them out. Most lists are made up of games that pay, although you can find apps that pay you for other types of tasks in each one. But hey, let’s see if GameTime app is a scam or paid.
What is GameTime?
I don’t know if the same thing happened to you as it did to me, but at least when I entered the GameTime app I couldn’t feel anything but disappointment. The interface seems to be half done and the most important boxes don’t finish loading, at least on my cell phone. I was hoping that maybe it was a trash app, but I didn’t think the creator had enough nerve to publish a project that is clearly half-baked.
In case you are interested, the app was created by Elfin Genie, a studio that I have never heard of and about which there is no type of information on the web. I can say that yes, that its creator seems quite interested in publishing apps, whether they are finished or not, since in his Play Store profile you can see that he has already published 4 others and yes, they all offer money. Some are more successful than others, but without a doubt all of them owe their downloads to the public’s expectations regarding their advertising.
From what I can see, Elfin Genie offers more than generous amounts to its users, figures that are impossible for any other app to sustain. As a tip, whenever you see an app that offers too much money it is a clear sign of a junk app, you should stay away.

Installation and registration in GameTime:
You can find the application easily because it has good marketing, although it can be confused with other options. I recommend that you also check the name of the studio that published it and make sure you install the correct one. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.
To enter, it is not necessary to make any type of registration and in fact there is no box to enter your data later.

How does it work?
Once you enter the GameTime app you will be able to see the mess that its creator made and that he is proud enough to publish, there you will have several games and application names that you can download in exchange for a monetary reward. The app is supposed to be a simple intermediary between us and larger companies that seek to advertise their games differently, although its options seem more like the sum of all the generic apps in the Play Store.
You can leisurely navigate between each logo and name until you find the game that catches your attention, then you must press it. Before it gives you the option to install the game, it will force you to go through two or three ad-supported windows so that its creator can earn even more money and finally allows us to reach our final destination. It goes without saying that you have to have available space on your cell phone, otherwise you will be left halfway because all the games are external and you must download their files.
The reward is delivered once you install the game and meet the goal they ask of you, although to begin with there is no visible description. Additionally, you will have ads that appear from time to time and promise to give you some extra coins, which is nothing more than a trick.

You are supposed to be able to request your payment through PayPal and although it didn’t charge me any withdrawal box , I’m sure that the minimum payment must be quite high , worthy of any junk app like this.
If complete information appears to you, I would appreciate it if you left it in the comments, it would help me complement the blog, although I am sure that the new information will not change my mind.

Does GameTime pay?
I’m sorry to disappoint you but no, GameTime doesn’t pay, it’s just one of the many lies you can find in the Play Store. From my point of view, the app is in itself an insult to users, but hey, it seems that Google doesn’t care much about these details, so all that remains is to try each app and hope for the best. Of course I recommend that you delete it and look for another option, you know that’s why you have our lists.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: