Jewel Pirate – Scam or not?
Due to the number of ads I saw I decided to check if Jewel Pirate is scam or paid , so here you will find a small summary of my experience and if it really works or not. Remember that for this article I will base it solely on my opinion, so any complaint or claim should go to the Play Store.
Before continuing with the article, remember that for this article I want to base it solely on my opinion, the blog has nothing to do with any study or app. Like you, we are users and we know how annoying it is to encounter junk apps, which is why we want to help you and give you all the corresponding information so that you can use the apps with peace of mind. If an app works I will tell you, the same if it is a junk app I will let you know.
Also at the bottom you can find the names of several lists that bring together apps that pay and can help you. The lists mostly have games, but you can find other options such as survey apps or micro tasks. All applications have articles in which you can find more information, although you can leave any questions in the comments. Without further ado, let’s see if Jewel Pirate app pays or is a scam.
What is Jewel Pirate?
As you can imagine, Jewel Pirate is nothing more than another puzzle game similar to Candy Crush or, failing that, one of the many copies that exist in the Play Store, such as Maya Gems. Don’t expect any challenge or something new and flashy because all you will find is a fairly simple and common game, as well as repetitive. Another negative aspect is the ads, there are quite a few of them and they interrupt at all times.
The app was created by MagicCardGame, a studio that we do not yet know about on this blog. They have released two other apps so far and they are also apparently promoting themselves as money-making games, although I haven’t tried any of them yet. It seems that the strategy of this study is simply that, promoting each project as an app to make money and in this way getting the public to install each app it releases, but in the end it is all a deception.
After having reviewed hundreds of applications I know how this works and I know some of the signs of junk apps and sadly I must say that they are quite present in this app, so I didn’t have to wonder much if Jewel Pirate app is scam or paid.

Installation and registration in Jewel Pirate:
Finding the application may be somewhat complicated due to its generic name. It is best to enter from an advertisement or when searching for the app, also check the name of the studio and this way you can be sure to install the correct one. If you can’t find it, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone since from what I understand, it is available for all countries.
To enter, it is not necessary to make any type of registration, so you don’t have to worry about leaving any personal data in an app that you don’t know.

How does it work?
Surely you know how the Jewel Pirate app works by heart because it is a fairly common game in the Play Store, but if not, continue reading, I will give you some instructions. Also, when you enter the app you will see that you have some aids that are distributed on the screen and that can save you in case you feel lost or have no movements.
For the game you will have a board, on which you will find several pieces placed and they all have a shape and color that distinguishes them, these are the details that will help you. You must form groups of at least three pieces that are identical and to do this you can move them in any direction, the only rule is that they must be close to a group that can help you achieve your goal. Each level has a number of tokens that you must get in each way, but this will not be very complicated and will not take more than a few minutes.
Your reward is delivered once you successfully complete the level, you can see the earnings reflected in the box above. As always, ads will become mandatory after a while.

Here we come to the most disappointing point and that is that although it is promoted as an app to earn money , when I entered I could not find any sign that the reward is real. There is no withdrawal box, payment methods or any information that can help us understand how to withdraw our winnings. It’s all a simple lie.
If this information appeared to you, I would appreciate it if you left it in the comments to complement the article.

Does Jewel Pirate pay?
The truth is that no, Jewel Pirate app does not pay, it is just an application that will make you waste your time and watch ads. The only purpose of this application is for you to see ads, this way its creator can generate money and get some profit, but you will never receive anything. No user will benefit. It is best that you delete this game and if you are still interested in making money playing, search our lists, there you can find several options that can help you.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:
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