Latino 3 Tiles:Earn Coins – App:
If you are wondering if Latino 3 Tiles:Earn Coins is a scam or really pays after seeing it in several ads, you have come to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. Please note that for this article I will be based solely on my experience, I am not looking to promote the app in any way.
This blog is independent and if it is your first time I invite you to review our other articles, in them you can find reviews about other applications that also offer money. Our goal with each of these reviews is to inform users and warn about the risks that an app of this type may entail. We will always speak to you with the truth and we will tell you what our result is regardless of whether it is negative or positive.
Also, if this application is not what you are looking for, it doesn’t matter, at the end of the article you can find the names of several lists that bring together apps that pay, check them out. Most of the applications on these lists are games, but this does not mean that it is the only theme you can find. Well, now let’s see if Latino 3 Tiles:Earn Coins is scam or paid.
What is Latino 3 Tiles:Earn Coins?
I think that by its name you can get an idea of what it is about, after all, it is not at all strange to find games similar to Latino 3 Tiles: Earn Coins when we look for apps that pay and they all have the same word in their name, “Tile ”. In this game you will have to arrange several tokens in a rectangle until the screen is completely empty. When this happens you will receive your coins and can exchange them for real money.
This application was created by FOREST PART, a studio that has so far published three other applications that apparently also offer money to users, yet none have achieved the success of Latino 3 Tiles. It seems that despite following the same strategy over and over again, the result can only be transferred to one of their projects, but there are some interesting things that we can see in their other apps and that is that although they are somewhat old, none of them have comments, which makes them quite suspicious.
No app that offers money can hide its comments for a long time since much of its credibility comes from there. If it does, it is because we may be dealing with a junk application.

Installation and registration in Latino 3 Tiles:Earn Coins:
Finding this application can be really simple, I still recommend that you enter from an ad or search for it directly on the web. If it does not give you the option to install or you cannot find it, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and for this there is no solution, you must look for other options.
To enter you do not have to make any registration. Your data will not be requested at any time.

How does it work?
The way Latino 3 Tiles:Earn Coins works is quite simple and you have probably already seen it in other apps. Here you simply have to organize the tiles until the screen is completely cleaned. The app has some help, although personally I do not consider it necessary, especially when we see that it is limited. It is best to save them for a really necessary moment.
To start playing you can press any of the tiles and then look for two others that are identical. Remember that not only the color must match, but also the logo. At the bottom of the screen you will have a space where you can place the chips. This space is limited and allows you to handle only 9 pieces, so I recommend only using 5 of these to be able to have plenty of places and form the necessary groups. If you use all the spaces you will lose and you will have to start over.
Your reward is automatically added to your balance, you can see this at the top of the screen. Each of the coins you receive will go directly to your balance and will not be affected if you lose the level.

You can request your payment through Pagbank, a Brazilian bank, which catches my attention because I doubt that this works worldwide. The minimum payment is $0.1 dollars, a low and realistic figure that is still a total deception. I’m sorry if you had intentions of generating money with this app, but you will never receive your payment .

Does Latino 3 Tiles:Earn Coins pay?
Definitely not, Latino 3 Tiles:Earn Coins does not pay. This application can help you have a good time if you like games with this theme, but if what you are looking for is to make money, it is best that you delete it and look for other options. If you want to review the lists that I mentioned at the beginning, you just have to go to the end, there you will have all the names and you will only have to press the one that catches your attention.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: