Litecoin Giveaway App – Review:
You may be wondering if Litecoin Giveaway really pays or is it a scam after seeing it in an ad, luckily you came to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. Remember that this blog has no relationship with the app, for the article I will base it solely on my experience.
Before starting, I clarify that we are an independent site, we have no relationship with the application or the studio that created it. Like you, we are users, we look for applications that pay and we know how annoying it is to find a junk app, which is why we always try to warn you about the risks so that you can make your own decision. If it is your first time entering the blog, I invite you to review our other articles, in them you can find reviews about other applications that also offer money.
On the other hand, if this application does not convince you, it doesn’t matter, at the end of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that pay and can help you generate extra income. All lists have tested and safe applications, check them. Anyway, let’s see if Litecoin Giveaway app pays or is a scam.
What is Litecoin Giveaway?
I don’t know exactly how to describe Litecoin Giveaway since it seems to be a game of chance in some parts, and it also has an offer wall where you can find different tasks. This app is simple and it won’t take you long to learn how to use it and generate your first income, but keep in mind that you must dedicate time to it and be consistent since I have read complaints from users who hope to get the minimum payment with the first shot.
This app was created by Bitcoin Aliens, a studio you may already recognize because it’s popular among cryptocurrency app users. So far this company has only published one other app, this one has the same dynamics, only it offers Bitcoin Cash instead of Litecoin, but in essence it is the same. Their two apps have a good rating from the public and reviews in general, the point is that some complaints come from impatient people, so I must warn you that this app will not make you a millionaire and it will not pay your bills, it will only give you small ones. Profits.
Whenever you see an app that offers money you should look for information, so you will know what to expect. Asking yourself if Litecoin Giveaway app pays or is a scam was a good idea and you should always do it.
Installation and registration in Litecoin Giveaway:
Finding this application is simple, just a quick search will be enough to find it in the Play Store. Before installing it, I recommend that you check the name of the company that created it to avoid any confusion or plagiarism. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.
To enter you must leave your email and your Litecoin wallet address, these details cannot be changed later.
How does it work?
How Litecoin Giveaway works can be a little confusing at first, so I recommend you continue reading. The first thing to note is that on the screen you will have a list with several options that allow you to access different tasks and they even take you outside the app so that you can learn about its other app, but I don’t think this is necessary.
To earn Litecoin you have two options: play in its kind of roulette or perform tasks on its offer wall, either is valid and can help you reach the minimum payment. I personally recommend the tasks over the game since it will depend on luck, while the offers will be concrete and will give you a detailed description of what you can win and what you have to do. In the game you only have to press a button, this will activate a mechanism that will make a light rotate through the squares until it lands on one that will tell you the amount of satoshis you can win.
On the other hand, in the second box you have the offers, these will be external games or surveys and they will pay you a fixed amount. Your reward is automatically added to your account.
You can request your payment through Litecoin, to do this you must have a wallet that has no minimum deposit. The wallet is placed at the time of entering the app and cannot be changed, so you must be careful and review the information very well before completing the registration.
The minimum payout is 100,000 Litecoin satoshis by default, although in the settings you can change this to be 20,000 Litecoin satoshis. Payments are made automatically every Tuesday if you have reached the withdrawal minimum.
Does Litecoin Giveaway pay?
So far Litecoin Giveaway pays, although you should be aware that it will not make you a millionaire, nor will it pay your bills, it will only help you get extra income that you can save for future unforeseen events. If cryptocurrencies do not catch your attention, I invite you to review our lists, there you will have other options that pay directly to your local currency, so you will not have any problems.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: