Lucky Image Earn:Make Money – Review:
If you are wondering if Lucky Image Earn:Make Money really pays or is it a scam, you have just come to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. Don’t forget to review the entire article to know all the information available.
For this article I will base it solely on my experience, I am not looking to promote the app in any way. The objective of this blog is to inform and warn users about what you should expect from this type of apps. We have no relationship with the applications or the studies that create them, we will always give you an unbiased opinion no matter what the result or popularity of it is.
Also, if this application does not attract your attention, it does not matter, at the end of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that pay. All lists have different applications and they are all paid, it is safe to use them. Anyway, let’s see if Lucky Image Earn:Make Money really pays or is it a scam.
What is Lucky Image Earn:Make Money?
Well, I must confess that Lucky Image Earn:Make Money surprised me a little since I was not at all expecting what I ended up finding, much less expecting that we would have to use AI to earn money. In this app we can create different images of themes that they place on the panel, the interesting thing is that this can be done through AI and then you can claim the coins as if you had done it yourself.
In case you’re wondering, this application was created by YJ Tec, a studio that has two other publications of which we already know one, Make Money-Earn Walking. If you didn’t review the article at the time, I’ll give you a brief summary: it is an app to earn by walking that never pays, no matter how much money you manage to raise. Now it seems that the company wanted to venture into another quite popular topic and although the app has been well received by the public, there is still no indication that it is a legitimate app.
I know that many are excited about the idea of generating money from their phone, especially if it involves simple tasks, but you have to be careful not to fall for all the lies that are hidden in the Play Store. Always look for information on impartial sites and check this blog, we constantly update.

Installation and registration in Lucky Image Earn:Make Money:
Finding this application is simple, I still recommend checking the name of the studio that published it to make sure you install the correct one. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and for this there is no solution, you must look for other options.
To enter you do not have to make any registration or meet any requirements. Your data will only be requested at the time of withdrawal.

How does it work?
When you enter Lucky Image Earn:Make Money you will see a clean, well-programmed interface where you can easily find the tasks to perform. This app allows you to create, improve and change aspects of photographs with the help of artificial intelligence, a topic that has been very fashionable lately. All your available tasks will be in the main tab, there you can review which images you need to create and start work.
To earn money you just have to follow the instructions that each task brings, there they will tell you what they want to see and will give you an idea of the words you should add to obtain a better result. Personally, I first tried with the same configuration that the app showed and then made some changes in subsequent tasks, but the result was always the same: I earned coins without making a very big effort. The only thing I have to rule out for the worse about this app is that everything freezes or loads, so in many cases you can’t even claim the winnings.
Your reward is automatically added to your balance, you can see this at the top of the screen or review it through the menu that appears at the bottom.

Unlike other apps, here they do not offer you a payment with money or gift cards, what you will get will be some prizes such as game consoles, cell phones, computers, etc.
Once you get enough points to redeem for the product you want, you only need to go to the menu, press the withdrawal option and continue the process. The app will ask you for some information that I personally do not recommend giving, we do not know what intentions it has or what it can do with this information.

Does Lucky Image Earn:Make Money pay?
Possibly you were expecting a positive result and winning one of the products offered, but Lucky Image Earn:Make Money does not pay. This application looks legitimate and can fool many, but its constant failures and its peculiar way of rewarding users are reason enough for doubt. Besides, you can earn points and create the illusion that one day you will reach your goal, but this is almost impossible.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: