Lucky Quiz – Legit App Or Scam? [Review]

Lucky Quiz – Does it really pay?

Today I will talk to you about Lucky Quiz, an application to earn money online that has gained a lot of popularity due to its constant advertisements in other games, there it always appears as a great option to generate extra income. This application does not present anything new or that we have not seen before, it is a quiz, but hey, let’s see what we find.

Before continuing with the article, remember that this blog has nothing to do with any study or application, we are just users like you and we are looking for some applications to make money online that really help us. We know how annoying it is to find so many junk apps on the road, that’s why we want to help you so you don’t waste your time. If an app works I will tell you so you can use it with confidence. The same if it is a junk app, I will tell you so you don’t use it anymore.

Also, if you check the final part of the article, you can find the names of several lists that bring together apps that do pay and that are paying. I recommend that you review these lists as they will be full of applications that are proven and also have articles in which you can find more information about each one. But hey, let’s see once and for all if Lucky Quiz pays or it’s just a junk app.

What is Lucky Quiz?

Like Quiz Life and Quiz WinnerLucky Quiz is simply a collection of general knowledge questions for which you can earn some rewards throughout the game. It could be said that even the apps I mentioned are quite similar in their interface, but yes, the app I’m talking about today easily takes the place as the one with the most ads. It won’t take more than 5 minutes before the game starts turning into ads only, no matter if you want to see them or not.

The strategy is typical of many junk apps and although this game is not connected beyond the theme with the two that I mentioned a moment ago, it is connected with another junk app: Lucky Fit. These two applications were created by the same study: Health Expedite , a study about which it is not possible to find much information and which does not have a very clear profile in the Play Store. The company stands out only for being the creator of these two apps that always appear as applications to make money online in front of the public, regardless of whether this promise is real or not.

Personally, I recommend that you add Health Expedite to your blacklist, since you will never find a good app under its label. As always, whenever you see an app to make money online that promises you great rewards, it is best to hesitate and look for other options that may pay you less but are more realistic. }

Lucky Quiz

Installation and registration in Lucky Quiz:

You can find the application easily, you just have to also check the name of the studio since from what I was checking, there is another application with exactly the same name, otherwise, it should not be difficult to find it. If you can’t find it, it may be due to some compatibility problems with your cell phone, something for which there is no solution, you just have to look for other options.

It is not necessary to make any type of registration to enter, so don’t worry about having to leave any information or email in this app.

Lucky Quiz

How does it work?

When you enter Lucky Quiz you will have to start directly with a game, there they will ask you some general knowledge questions and you will have to choose between two options in which the correct answer stands out at a glance. Exploring the app a little I could see a few tips in case you get stranded in the middle of a game and also some account settings, but nothing important compared to the rewards box at the top.

Your objective is simply to answer each question they ask you well, to do this you will have two answers in which you can select the one you want and a time limit to answer. If you pass the time limit or lose answering a question, you have the opportunity to continue where you left off as long as you see an advertisement, otherwise all you have to do is restart the game and answer everything correctly again. The levels are not very complicated and the way they place their answers makes it obvious which one is correct, so in principle you shouldn’t have many problems.

Your reward is automatically added to the balance and is distributed in the middle of each game, although you can get a final reward if you manage to pass the level correctly.

Application to earn money online


The only payment method the app has is PayPal , a very common option in these apps, both those that pay and those that don’t, which is why I recommend having an account there. The minimum withdrawal is $300 dollars , although you can access other figures and the maximum is $2,000 dollars , but you will hardly reach the minimum withdrawal threshold.

When you manage to reach the minimum withdrawal, they will give you the option to enter your information, a series of requirements and then they will add you to a waiting list from which you will never leave. The payment it promises is nothing more than a lie to attract users.

Application to earn money online

Does Lucky Quiz pay?

No, Lucky Quiz does not pay , it only takes up your time and at the same time puts an end to your patience due to the enormous number of ads it has. The app was created solely for the creator to earn money, but the user will never receive anything because that is not in the plans. If you want an application to make money online that really pays, I recommend that you search our lists, you are on the safe side there, otherwise you will only be risking wasting your time over and over again.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:


  1. Dear Sir I have played Lucky Quiz since last two months but I could not got my reward as shown on screen while I am retired person Why? ABDUL MUQTADIR KHAN CELL 0092 3333443508 KARACHI PAKISTAN

  2. Thanks , I’ve just been searching for info about this topic for a while and yours is the greatest I have found out so far. But, what about the conclusion? Are you sure about the supply?

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