Make Money : Play & Earn Cash – Legit App Or Scam?

Make Money : Play & Earn Cash – App:

If you are wondering if it is possible to earn money on PayPal with Make Money: Play & Earn Cash after seeing one of their ads, you have come to the right place. Don’t forget to read until the end to know all the information and find the answers you are looking for.

Before continuing, I clarify that this blog is independent, we do not have any type of relationship with the app or the studio that created it. Just as we are users and we look for applications that really pay, we test several applications a week and write about them since we understand that there is a need for a lot of information on the web to warn other users. Our goal is simply to inform other people, which is why in each of the articles you will find an honest and impartial opinion.

Also, if this application does not convince you or does not work, it does not matter, at the end of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that do pay, check them out. Most applications are games although you can find other options that pay you for different tasks. But hey, let’s see if it is possible to earn money on Paypal with Make Money: Play & Earn Cash or is it a scam.

What is Make Money : Play & Earn Cash?

Curiously, Make Money: Play & Earn Cash is far from what it appears in the ads and its description in the Play Store. Contrary to what you may think, this is not an application to earn money by playing but rather by watching ads and closing pop-up windows because there is spam of all kinds. Actually using this application is extremely uncomfortable and if you have already downloaded it, you will know very well what I am talking about.

In case you’re wondering, the app was created by Ashish Vasani, a studio that has not published any other application so far. Apparently this company is the type of company that seeks to achieve success through a single application, which is why they put all their effort and money into promoting it everywhere. Of course, offering money is an excellent way to get users’ attention, but not all apps that appear promising you this have the intention of paying you.

Whenever you see an application that offers money, it is best to look for information on unbiased sites, so you will know what to expect. Asking yourself if it is possible to earn money on Paypal with Make Money: Play & Earn Cash or is it a scam was a good idea.

Make Money: Play & Earn Cash app

Installation and registration in Make Money : Play & Earn Cash:

Finding this application can be a bit complicated because it has a name that may be common. Before installing the app, I recommend that you also check the name of the studio that created it and avoid confusion. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.

No registration is necessary to enter, your data will not be requested at any time.

How does it work?

Once you enter Make Money: Play & Earn Cash, the odyssey to get further from the home screen will begin. To do this, you will have to close several pop-up windows. This is supposed to be an application that allows you to earn money by trying external games, but this is not what you will find since it seems to be the interface of an app that pays to watch videos, even so you should not trust it. Nothing you see is legitimate.

If you can see the interface amidst so many ads, you will see that there are a few boxes that offer you money in exchange for watching videos, but this is not real. You won’t be able to find or try any videos or games, you’ll just have to constantly dodge a window that appears to be a quiz about some sport. Personally, I do not recommend that you press anything on this pop-up window as it may be a fraudulent site that is only looking to steal your data.

Your reward should be credited automatically when you complete a task, but this is not possible in any way. The ads that appear are annoying, invasive and none of them make you money.

Download Make Money: Play & Earn Cash


Browsing a little further I could see a withdrawal box in which PayPal, PhonePe and PayTM appear as payment methods . The minimum payment is $50 for all options, but even that amount doesn’t make it worth trying your luck.

Make Money: Play & Earn Cash app

Does Make Money: Play & Earn Cash pay?

Definitely not, Make Money: Play & Earn Cash does not pay, it is just a junk application like many others that you can find in the Play Store. I haven’t seen an application with so much spam in a long time, it’s just that you can’t finish closing a window when another one is already appearing. Using this app will only benefit its creator since he will be the one who receives the money, but no user will make a profit. It is best that you delete the app.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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