Make Money: Word Search – Does It Allow You To Earn Money?

Make Money: Word Search – Scam or Pay?

If you are wondering if Make Money: Word Search pays or is it a scam, you have just come to the right place. I will tell you everything you need to know about the application to know if it is worth it or if you are better off looking for other options. Remember to tell us about your experience with the app below, but always remembering that we are not its creators.

Before continuing with the article I want to make this point very clear since sometimes we have received insults or complaints about projects in which we have nothing to do: the blog has nothing to do with any study or application. We are an independent site and we only seek to help other users since we are also users, we know how annoying it is to find junk apps and that is why we want to avoid this path for you. I will never hide any results from you, no matter if it is negative or not.

Also, at the bottom I will leave you the name and access to some lists that can help you find an app that does pay, no matter what the result of this game is. I recommend that you review them, each list has different applications and each application has an article in which you can find more information available so that you understand how they are used. Anyway, let’s see if Make Money: Word Search is scam and pays.

Make Money: Word Search surprised me since because of its name I thought it could be another game like Millionaire, but no, it is more similar to Money Words in the sense that you do not have to answer questions but rather navigate through a word search and find each word they tell you. From what I could see, the whole game consists of this, so it doesn’t matter if you know the language or not, you will always have a chance to win or get some coins .

The application was created by marcbergnlethab , a studio that we do not know about on this blog so far. From what I checked, the studio barely has another published application and it is also a supposed game to earn money, although it is a little less successful than its companion. Anyway, the fact is that this company is used to promoting their projects as options to earn rewards and in this way they get downloads, if not, I doubt that anyone would pay attention to the games.

Whenever you see an application that offers you money, it is better that you look for information, currently there are many junk apps and it is very easy for you to fall into one of them. The best thing is to always question yourself, like in this case when you asked yourself if Make Money: Word Search is a scam or paid and you looked for information, something you should always do.

Make Money: Word Search

You can find the application easily because it has a particular name, you can even put its name on the web and you will find the result in the top positions. If you cannot find it or it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.

To enter it is not necessary to make any type of registration, you just have to enter the game and win as much as you can.

How does it work?

Once you enter Make Money: Word Search you find a menu in which you can select the topic you want to play on, there are several such as “birds”, “artists”, “sports”, etc., you can select the one you want . I also tell you that you have some help in case you don’t find the words quickly, although these help are limited by level and you must watch ads to use them.

When you select the topic you want, you must review the list of words that they give you at the bottom of the screen and start searching for them in the word search. Generally the words are not very hidden and in a short time you can overcome any level. You will have two modalities: one that is simple and fast and does not offer any rewards and another that consists of levels and greater challenges, but they are the ones that give you money . Each level will be a little more complicated than the other, but it will take you a long time.

The reward is added to your account if you manage to find all the words, but to do this you must select the remains before starting the game. The ads will be present in the app and after a while they will be mandatory.


You can request your payment only through PayPal, the most popular option in this type of apps.  The  minimum withdrawal is $200 dollars and although I know that this amount can make anyone’s day, the truth is that it is simply a staging.

When you reach the minimum payment and request the withdrawal, it remains processed and then nothing happens, the money never reaches your account .

Make Money: Word Search

Does Make Money: Word Search pay?

I’m sorry to say it, but no, Make Money: Word Search doesn’t pay, it’s just another waste of time. If you have time left and you dare, I invite you to report the app in the Play Store and hopefully, one day Google will do something so that it no longer deceives more users. If you liked the game, it is best to look for another option that does not contain so many ads. Now, if what you want is to win money no matter what the game is, I invite you to check out our lists.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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