Merge Ten Crush – Does it pay?
If what you want is to know if Merge Ten Crush is a scam or paid , you have just come to the right place, here you can find all the information you need to determine if it works or not, so read until the end. Don’t forget to also read the end, there you will find information that can help you.
Before continuing with the article, remember that this blog has nothing to do with any study or app, we only seek to help you so you don’t waste your time. If an app is legitimate I will tell you so you can use it with confidence. The same if it is a junk app, I will warn you so you don’t waste your time. We are not looking to promote any games, we just understand how annoying it is to come across PUAs and we want to avoid this for you.
Also in the final part you can find the names of some lists that can help you, there you will have several apps that do pay. The lists mostly have games, although you can also find other options such as applications to earn money by walking or answering surveys. Each application has its own article, there you can find all the information you need. But hey, let’s see if Merge Ten Crush pays or is a scam.
What is Merge Ten Crush?
Like Robbery Tycoon, Merge Ten Crush is nothing more than a main game followed by several copies that you can find in another window and various advertisements. The main games of each app are not very similar, but in the others they are since they are the same copies that we have seen over and over again and that do not offer any type of fun, only ads and more ads to annoy you.
In case you’re wondering, the app was created by Wing Sword , a studio that hasn’t published any other apps so far and appears to be new. It is not possible to find any type of information about the app or the company, you can only see what was created recently and the rest is information that appears in advertisements and those that are advertised as a great option.
As I always tell you, when you see an application that offers money, it is best to first look for information so you know what to expect. If you can’t find information about it, you can leave the name in the comments, I will review it as soon as possible and tell you if it is worth it, just as I am going to do by telling you if Merge Ten Crush is a scam or pays.

Installation and registration in Merge Ten Crush:
The application is quite easy to find despite the fact that it has a fairly common name, just make sure to also check the name of the studio to make sure you install the correct one. If you can’t find it, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone. For this, there is no solution and it is best to look for other options.
To enter, you do not need to make any type of registration, you just have to enter the game and win as much as possible.

How does it work?
Once you enter Merge Ten Crush you have a brief tour of the app and some instructions so that you understand how the main app works, then you are left to your own devices, you can find at the bottom a menu from which you can access several windows , among them the one with the integrated games and one for making withdrawals, as well as the tab where the main game is.
Your objective in the main game is to move the pieces that are placed and form groups of at least three identical pieces, for this you will have total freedom. You can move the squares wherever you want, just make sure they match the others so you can form the groups and earn the coins. On the other hand, you will be able to freely browse the games that are available and that you can try without downloading anything. Each game is different and the only thing they agree on is the number of ads they have, so be careful.
The reward is automatically added to your account and is in Robux, a Roblox currency , a very popular game among young people. As usual, you will always have to watch ads, it will be mandatory after a while.

You can request your payment through Robux , it is the only option that the app presents and it is designed primarily for a young audience. Anyway, the minimum withdrawal is 10,000 Robux or coins , although there are other amounts that you can consider.
Of course everything is a simple facade, once you reach the minimum withdrawal you will have the option to link your account and that is how it will seem, but it is not true. The payment will never arrive and the account will not be able to be linked.

Does Merge Ten Crush pay?
The truth is that no, Merge Ten Crush does not pay , it is just a lie that is designed to attract an audience so that its creator can make money, but it will be of no use. It is best that you delete the game and look for one that at least entertains you, although if what you want is to make money, I invite you to review our lists and the information there.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: