Million Quiz – Does It Pay You For Every Correct Answer? [Review]

Million Quiz – Does it really pay?

You may be wondering if Million Quiz is a scam or paid and you can trust it, but knowing is a bit difficult until you get the minimum payment and request its processing, which is why I decided to write this article. Stay until the end and find out everything you need to know if it’s really worth it or not.

Before continuing, I want to make it clear that this article is not intended to promote the application, that is not our objective. In fact, this blog has nothing to do with any study or app, we are only dedicated to making independent reviews about different applications that we find and offer money. Like you, we are users and we understand how annoying it is to find junk apps, which is why we seek to help you.

Also at the bottom you will have the name and access to several applications that bring together apps that do pay, check them out. Most of the apps on these lists are games that pay you, although you can also find some that offer you micro tasks or answer surveys in exchange for payment. Each one has an article in which you can find more information. Anyway, let’s see if Million Quiz app is scam or paid.

What is Million Quiz?

Although Million Quiz seemed identical to an app I recently reviewed ( Millionaire ), the truth is that it is an independent project that was published under a label that I don’t know. The fact is that it is a game that asks you general culture questions focused mostly on the history and geography of the United States. For each question you answer correctly, you get closer to the minimum payment that will allow you to enjoy your winnings in real life.

The app was created by Thewhale111, a studio that even has a name similar to a company I saw a while ago. Anyway, this study has so far published 3 other applications that are also games related to challenges and puzzles and as it could not be otherwise, they also offer money to users in exchange for installing them. It seems that their marketing strategy is already well defined and although it is based on lies it works, and that is what matters.

Without knowing much about Thewhale111, I can tell you that it is not a label to trust, its applications are generic and money is just an excuse to get your attention. The best thing is that you always look for information and do not believe the first thing you see, just like this time when you asked yourself if Million Quiz app is a scam or paid.

Million Quiz

Installation and application in Million Quiz:

You can find the application easily, although because it has a somewhat generic name it can be confused with other options. I recommend that you also check the name of the company that created it, so you can make sure you install the correct one. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems and there is no solution for this.

To enter, it is not necessary to make any type of registration, so the app will not have any of your data.

How does it work?

When you enter Million Quiz you can see a doll that is supposed to represent us, or at least that is what is understood. You also have a menu where you can find some tasks that you can complete as you play that can give you extra coins, as well as some basic account settings.

Your objective is to answer each question correctly, for this you must have a little knowledge of US history since as far as I played, it was the only country that was referred to. Each answer you get right will help you add to your balance and at the same time gives you points to overcome each level. As you pass the levels you will see a small increase in the difficulty of the questions, although it is still not something out of this world.

The reward adds up as you answer correctly and if you manage to answer a certain number of questions correctly, then you can add the profits to your balance. Ads will be something all the time and will quickly wear out your patience.


You can request your payment through PayPal as the only option, or at least that is what is implied. The minimum withdrawal is $500 dollars and although it seems like an amount worth the risk, the truth is that it is just a lie.

It doesn’t matter how much you play and win, even if you achieve the minimum withdrawal you will not have any payment because everything is a staging.

Million Quiz

Does Million Quiz pay?

I regret to inform you that no, Million Quiz does not pay, it is just one of the many junk applications that exist in the Play Store. I know that it caught the attention of many and that is why they decided to try it, but the best thing is that you know the truth and don’t waste your time. The only objective of the app is for you to see ads, this way the creator gets money and although that is not bad, the bad thing is that it deceives people.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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