Money Quiz – Cash Quiz, Does It Allow You To Earn Money? 

Money Quiz – Cash Quiz, Scam or Pay?

Perhaps you have already come across Money Quiz – Cash Quiz , an application to earn money playing games that always presents itself as an app that does pay . The promise is nothing new and unfortunately it is very often a lie, so it is better that you read until the end and draw your own conclusions.

Remember that we have nothing to do with any study or app, so what you will read here is nothing more than my personal experience using it and a hunch that comes from the experience of frequently seeing applications to earn money playing, both garbage and apps that do they pay Also, if you stay at the end you will be able to find lists that gather apps that if they pay , no matter what happens, they will always be there.

I invite you to review the lists, since there you will surely be able to find an application to earn money playing games that you like and that really works. Besides, you have a large number of articles that you can review, they are from different apps and they can help you trace your path so that you know which apps to install and which ones it is better to ignore. Not being more, let’s see what this application awaits us.

What is Money Quiz – Cash Quiz?

I think the name gives you a slight idea of ​​what it is about, after all there are not many options of what it can be about if it is called Money Quiz – Cash Quiz , so I hope you keep some general culture things in mind. The app will only present us with some short questions about random things, simple and easy to understand, but some can leave you out of the game.

As an app to earn money playing games it is quite innovative, to be honest, few apps try this method, so it is somewhat refreshing. Now, the problem lies in the amount of ads you have to tolerate to get a low reward and in the studio that created it, which for a change seems quite dedicated to creating multiple apps that treat their users to trivia.

This is PanelTech , a company that so far has published more than five apps and that seems very interested in creating applications that test the general knowledge of each person who installs it. The point is that I don’t know for sure if each of them is presented as an app to earn money playing games , I’ve only seen Money Quiz so far, but the others don’t seem to get enough attention. In the same way, it can be said that even though the latter is promoted as an app that if you pay , nothing could be further from the truth, so I doubt that the rest will work for more than just passing the time.

Application to earn money playing - app that does pay

Installation and registration in Money Quiz – Cash Quiz:

I know that it may seem a bit complicated to find, but the reality is far from there. It usually appears among the first positions in the list of results, if not, it may be because it is not compatible with your cell phone and therefore it is automatically discarded. You won’t be missing out on much anyway.

Nothing will be necessary for the registration, since it will not request a registration to start. Don’t worry because you have to give data, an email or something similar, it is only necessary that you play and win.

Money Quiz - Cash Quiz

How to play?

The operation of Money Quiz – Cash Quiz is only based on guessing some words, for this you have some space available and you can try your luck by choosing some letters that are given to you as an option at the bottom of your screen. I won’t lie to you, it’s quite similar to a game of “Hangman” or whatever they call it in your country. There is even a board in the entire center that has an image hidden, you can reveal some boxes to try to find out what it is. Although if you’re unlucky, you’ll have to dip into some of your reward to reveal a few more tiles and finally guess.

One aspect that I did not like is that it only seems to be available in English, this makes you have to guess all the words in that language, so if you don’t know it, it may be a bit difficult for you. The objective itself is not that complicated, just that the fact that it is in another language makes it difficult. Also I didn’t like the aspect that you can only reveal a few frames and if you want to continue, you have to pay . It doesn’t seem fair to me because they are coins that are subtracted from your profit .

The worst of all comes here, and it seems that the app is very interested in you spending your coins quickly , since they have integrated purchases . I never recommend this because it seems like a scam to me and even more so in this app. It really is not worth investing money .

Money Quiz - Cash Quiz


Here you must be ready to be disappointed because although it is promoted as an application to earn money by playing games , the truth is that this is not true at all. It is not only the fact that it has integrated purchases , but also that there is no withdrawal box or any payment method .

Curiously, among everything I was looking for, I could only find something regarding money and it was not at all what I expected. In one part there are some boxes that you can enter, in one of them there seemed to be an indication of what is done with the app and that’s it. I quote: “This amazing game was created with QuickApp Ninja. A simple system to create free word building games, upload it to Android Market and earn money from ads .” Total madness and waste of time.

Application to earn money playing - app that does pay

Money Quiz – Cash Quiz Conclusion:

I definitely think that after what you just read, everything was clear to you. How is it possible that they have the nerve to even leave their instructions there and not care at all. It seems that the creator was quite eager to create an application to generate income , although for him, which is not bad, but it would be better if they did not lie to the users. Money Quiz – Cash Quiz is a non-paying app , so don’t even bother to install it.

If you want to know apps that do pay and you are tired of searching without getting any results, don’t worry, here are some lists where you can find applications that are paying and that work very well. There is everything, from applications to earn money playing games , to apps that pay you for micro tasks . All are verified and all have articles in which you can corroborate all the information of these.

To access the list, you just have to search for the following names: “25 Best Apps To Earn Money” , “Best Apps To Earn Extra Money 2023” , “Applications To Earn Free Cryptocurrency” , “Five Apps That Help You Earn Extra Money” and “Applications to earn money online 2023′ . Also below you have the link to the most extensive list of all, it is only necessary that you click on the name and it will redirect you there.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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