Money Rain – Cash and Rewards – Is it real or a scam?

Money Rain – Cash and Rewards – Review:

If you are still wondering if Money Rain – Cash and Rewards is legit, you have come to the right place. I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. Don’t forget to check out the entire article to find out the answers you are looking for.

Before continuing, I want to clarify that this blog is independent, we have no relationship with the application or the study. Like you, we are users, we look for apps that really pay and we know how annoying it is to find a junk app, so we want to help you. In each of our articles you will find impartial information as we always seek to inform and help our readers. We have never promoted an app and we are not going to do so.

Also, if this app doesn’t catch your attention, it doesn’t matter, you can go to our lists and look for other options. Most of the apps on the lists are games, although this doesn’t mean that it’s the only one you can find, check them out. Anyway, let’s see if Money Rain – Cash and Rewards is legit or scam.

What is Money Rain – Cash and Rewards?

Money Rain – Cash and Rewards is an attempted project, and I say this because when you enter you can realize that it is just an app that is not finished and has many errors. The interface of this application looks quite bad and it is noticeable that the details are not polished, added to this you can also find errors that freeze the screen and even take you out of the game without warning.

In case you’re wondering, this app was created by Money Rain SL, a studio that has another app that I reviewed a while back and it ended up being another disappointment, although not as big as this one. Apparently Money Rain SL is a company that focuses on the niche of apps that offer payments to users, but neither of these two end up convincing the public and although their other project enjoys good popularity and rating, this is nothing more than an illusion.

More and more companies are looking for quick success, and if they can’t achieve it, they are at least looking to make money through excessive advertising that only affects users. Whenever you see an app that offers payments, you should look for information on reliable sites to know what to expect.

Download Money Rain - Cash and Rewards

Installation and registration in Money Rain – Cash and Rewards:

Finding this app is easy, so I recommend you access it from the web. Before installing it, I recommend you check the name of the company that created it to avoid any confusion. If you are not given the option to install it, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.

To access the app you must register using your email or Google account.

Download Money Rain - Cash and Rewards

How does it work?

When you enter Money Rain – Cash and Rewards you will see a few boxes with different tasks and categories, each of which offers you the chance to earn money. The interface, as I said, stands out for not being finished and having some bugs, but the most important and frustrating part comes later. Of course, you don’t have a menu and the response time is quite slow.

You can select any of the tasks that catch your attention, just tap on its icon and the task will open. Each task has instructions if necessary, but the most important thing is to keep in mind that for each of the movements you make you will have to watch a commercial. This app is just an excuse to show ads and you have to watch them whether you want to or not, otherwise you will not receive any reward.

Your coins are automatically added to your balance, you can check this in the box that appears at the top.

Money Rain – Cash and Rewards app


You can request your payment through PayPal, PayTM, Amazon, Google Play, Steam and Xbox . The  minimum payment varies in some options and depends on the availability of cards at the time of the process, although the lowest amount is $5 dollars .

If you manage to collect the amount, you just have to go to the box that says “Wallet”, from there you can carry out the process.

Money Rain – Cash and Rewards app

Does Money Rain – Cash and Rewards pay?

I know you were looking for a positive answer, but the truth is that Money Rain – Cash and Rewards does not pay. The app may seem legitimate in the ads, but none of this matters because when you enter the app there is only a poorly programmed interface and many ads that will not lead you anywhere. The best thing is to delete the app and look for other options that can really help you.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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