Note Sort Challenge – Can You Make Money Using It?

Note Sort Challenge – Review:

You may be wondering if Note Sort Challenge is scam or legit after seeing it in several ads, luckily you came to the right place, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the app. Don’t forget to read the article until the end to find out the answers you are looking for and some tips that can help you.

If this is your first time visiting the blog, I would like to clarify that we are an independent site, we have no relationship with the app and we are not looking to promote it in any way. We are users, just like you, so for this article I will base it solely on my experience and results within the app. If you have not checked out the blog, I invite you to do so. You will find more articles about other apps that also offer money and in each of them you will have an honest and impartial opinion, no matter how popular the project is.

Also, as I mentioned, at the end of the article you will have access to several lists that were so verified and legitimate apps, you can check them out in case this game is not what you are looking for. Most of the apps on the lists are games, but this does not mean that it is the only thing you can find, you will also have other options. Well, now let’s see if Note Sort Challenge is scam or legitimate.

What is Note Sort Challenge?

Once again we are faced with another game that labels itself as a “mental skill” game when it is nothing more than a copy of other copies that try to allude to the typical mahjong. Note Sort Challenge is a fairly simple game, in which there is not much to do beyond getting some groups with the bills that are on the screen until none of them are left.

In case you’re wondering, this app was published by 4G Shooting Studios, a company that has only one other release with an interesting concept, although the success of this one doesn’t seem to be enough for its creator. There is no information about the company on the Play Store or any forum, there is no background information and it is not possible to know what kind of intentions its creator has. It is also not possible to find reviews about the game since despite constant advertising, it still does not reach a large user base.

From my point of view, the game takes advantage of what it has to play with the public’s illusions, and it doesn’t seem like a coincidence that you have to organize bundles of bills, unlock new amounts and add part of these to your balance. Clearly the game seeks to create the illusion of something that doesn’t exist.

Download Note Sort Challenge

Note Sort Challenge Installation and Registration:

Finding this app is easy, you just have to enter from its ads or search for it quickly in the Play Store, you will find it in the first positions. Before installing it, I recommend checking the name of the company that published it to avoid confusion. If it does not give you the option to install it, it may be due to compatibility problems with your phone.

To access the app you do not need to register or meet any requirements.

How does it work?

When you enter Note Sort Challenge you’ll have several bills scattered on the screen, some spaces at the bottom to organize them and a short introduction that aims to teach you how the game works. Also on the screen you will have some help available in case you need it and shortcuts to settings as well as your wallet.

To start, you just have to press any of the bills, but make sure you look carefully at each of its details, as the image will then become too small to distinguish them. With the details you managed to notice on the bill, you will have to search through the mess until you find three others that are the same. When you do, you will see how the app automatically removes them to free up those spaces and continue playing. Once you manage to clear your entire screen, you can complete the game and move on to the next level; in this game, no bill is left over and not one is needed.

Your reward is automatically added to your account when you finally finish the game, at which point a box will appear where you must press “accept” and the coins will go to your balance.

Download Note Sort Challenge app


Although in several of their ads they imply that they pay you to use the app, the reality is that this is an advertising trick to trick you into installing the game. You’ll not receive any payment or reward for using it , the money you accumulate can only be used within the game and will have no real value. It’s all a lie.

Note Sort Challenge app

Does Note Sort Challenge pay?

Once again we are faced with a lie, Note Sort Challenge doesn’t pay and possibly despite the fact that it was exposed in this article, its creator will not change the way it is promoted. The application is not worth it, it does not matter if what you are looking for is money or just some entertainment for a few minutes, in the Play Store there are many games that can offer you products with much higher quality and a real reward.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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