Number Locator & Number Detail – An App That Pays? [Review]

Number Locator & Number Detail – Does it really work?

You may have already seen Number Locator & Number Detail , a tracking app that promises to pay us to use it and has recently become popular due to ads everywhere. This app has caught my attention a lot and that is why I tried it and here I will tell you the result.

To make this article I tested the app for a while in order to know if it really works or if it is just a lie, so what you will read here is the result of it. I will not lie to you about the result and I will not hide anything even if it is negative, since we have nothing to do with any study or in this case, the app. We do not promote anyone and like you we are users, we want an application that pays us but we know very well that there are many lies in the Play Store and we want to help other users.

Also regardless of the result of this app, at the bottom you will have the names of some lists that bring together various applications that are paying. The lists feature over 100 apps that are quite diverse, though there isn’t a single one quite like Number Locator & Number Detail yet , so let’s hope this is the first. Check them out and let me know if you managed to find one that helps you.

What is Number Locator & Number Detail?

Number Locator & Number Detail is, as its name in Spanish indicates, a number tracker and it seems to work globally. The app is very simple, although it looks well planned and programmed, it’s just that it’s full of ads that interrupt at all times and it doesn’t seem to have been created by someone very trustworthy either, but I’ll talk more about that later.

It turns out that the application was created by FeaturedApp , a company that has quite a few publications, but they are very different from each other. So far the company has published another 32 applications and there you can find everything from tracking applications to generic games or a calculator. The truth is that it seems that this study has wasted no time and has tried in every possible way to succeed, but this is their last option, hence all the marketing.

The strategy that the study opted for this time was to promise users “money in exchange for using their app”, something that seems impossible. Not only is it invasive, but it wouldn’t make any sense unless they incidentally ask for your consent to sell your data.

Number Locator & Number Detail

Installation and registration in Number Locator & Number Detail:

The app is not very difficult to find due to its very particular name, you will only have difficulties when finding it if there are compatibility problems. If this is the case, you will not be able to install the game even if you find it and in that case you better look for another option.

To enter, no registration is necessary, since there is not even a box for this. What you do have to do is select your language and accept the permissions it requests, something I don’t see as very sure.

How does it work?

Well, here comes the most interesting point because Number Locator & Number Detail helps us identify and track other people’s numbers, as well as track our movements in detail and show us different routes to make it easier for us to get to a place. Convenient? It can be sure? I don’t believe it at all.

At the moment of entering and after having configured the language and having accepted the corresponding permissions, you will see a menu in which they are as an option “Location”, “Contacts” and “Phone call” so that you can choose what most attracts your attention . In “Location” it refers to ours and with this option it is supposed to make us a real-time map of our sites and the routes we can take to go faster. The other two options are more for you to control someone external and I honestly don’t think it’s a good idea.

But hey, the most important thing here is the reward and it seems that it is a totally forgotten topic. In the same way, it was never made clear in each ad how you could earn money , they only talked to you about it in passing and you never really understood what they wanted to show.


Within the app there is no information about it and if you think about it, this proposal did not make much sense either. Unless they are going to collect your data and sell it (they most likely will) and want to share a piece of the profit with you, it doesn’t make any sense. There is no withdrawal information and there are no payment methods either , since everything is a simple lie.

Number Locator & Number Detail

Number Locator & Number Detail pay ?

The truth is that no, Number Locator & Number Detail does not pay and only poses a risk to our data, since with the permissions it requests they are fully exposed. I do not recommend having an app of this type on your cell phone in general, although this is already your decision and you will decide if you need it or not, but make sure that it is not this. It’s just a waste of time and the best thing you can do is delete it from your cell phone.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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