Ocean Song Solitaire: Bubble – Review:
If you’re still wondering if Ocean Song Solitaire: Bubble is legit or a scam, you’ve come to the right place. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the app. Don’t forget to read the entire article to find out the answers you are looking for. If you have a complaint or claim, you should go directly to the Play Store.
Before continuing, I want to clarify that this blog is independent, we have no relationship with the application or the studio that published it. We are users, just like you, we look for apps that really pay and we understand how annoying it is to find a junk app, so we want to help you avoid them through reviews. Remember that these articles are just a summary of my experience and my results, we do not intend to advertise the project since we have no relationship with the app, we are not responsible for the reward offered and any problem you have, I invite you to report it to the Play Store.
This blog is independent, we are dedicated to reviewing apps that offer money and over these months we have found some apps that are worth it, are safe and can help you, I recommend you check them out. The apps are in lists to make it easier to find them, there you can compare them and select the one you like the most. But anyway, let’s see if Ocean Song Solitaire: Bubble app is legit or scam.
What is Ocean Song Solitaire: Bubble?
As the name suggests, Ocean Song Solitaire: Bubble is just another game focused on this type of card game called solitaire, in this particular mode you don’t have to face any rivals and your only challenge is to completely sort the deck. Curiously, although it is one of the most repetitive and boring, it becomes one of the most popular among card games and every day it seems to spread more among companies and users looking for an option to generate income.
This particular app was published by Kahaniyon Ki Duniya, a studio that has not published any other app so far. Finding information about this company is really impossible, there is no data on the web that can help understand what the creator’s real intention is. It is also not easy to find reviews about the game, although there are some reviews about it in other languages and although I don’t understand much, they don’t seem to leave it in a good light.
Everything seems to indicate that this is one of those projects where the creator lies in order to get some extra downloads, and even seems like someone willing to manipulate his audience into watching ads for his own benefit.

Installation and registration in Ocean Song Solitaire: Bubble:
Finding this app is easy, the name is quite unique and if you check the name of the company that published it you will surely find it quickly. If it does not give you the option to install it, it may be due to a compatibility problem with your phone, in this case you should look for other options.
To enter you do not need to register, your data is not important.

How does it work?
When you enter Ocean Song Solitaire: Bubble you’ll see a board with several cards on it. These cards will have to be arranged according to the value of their letter or number. Of course, with numbers it is quite easy to figure out which one is bigger, but with a letter or symbol there can be more confusion, so I recommend you check this information before you start playing. Also on the screen you have some help in case you feel lost.
When the game starts you just have to press one of the cards and if you are lucky it will automatically go to a row, otherwise you will have to move it around the board to find its place. Keep in mind that all cards can be moved and placed in other places, but for this it is necessary that there is a space available to move it and this can only be achieved if there is a card with a higher immediate value on top of the row. Another detail that you should keep in mind is that you cannot place two cards of the same color in a row, they have to be interspersed or the move is not valid.
Your reward is automatically added to your account, which you can see in the wallet at the top of your screen. All coins you earn will be displayed in that box, although in some cases you will have to watch ads to collect them.

You can request your payment through PayPal and the minimum payment is $1,000 dollars, an amount sufficient for you to dedicate your entire day to the game, it is a shame that it is a scam. No matter how hard you try, you will never get any payment . It is all a facade so that the creator can benefit.

Does Ocean Song Solitaire: Bubble pay?
Although I would like to bring you good news, the reality is that Ocean Song Solitaire: Bubble doesn’t pay, this is just another scam. Even if you try hard and gather enough money to make the supposed withdrawal, nothing will happen, the money will not be sent to your account because it is all a simple scam. The best thing in this case is to delete the app from your phone and look for other options that can really help you earn money from your phone.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: