Packetshare – Passive Income – Does It Really Pay? [Review]

Packetshare – Passive Income – Scam or Legit?

You may be wondering if Packetshare – Passive Income is a scam or really pays and luckily you have just arrived at the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app to determine if it is worth it or not. Remember that for this article I will base it solely on my opinion, if you want to tell us your experience you can do so in the comments, just remember to write accordingly.

Before continuing with the article I want to remind you that this blog has nothing to do with any studio or app, we are an independent site. Like you, we are users, we are looking for an app to make money and we understand how annoying it is to find a junk app. We are not looking to promote or promote any of the apps we talk about, we are just looking to give you an unbiased opinion so that you can make a good decision. If an application is legitimate, I will tell you, the same if it is a junk app.

Also, no matter what the result of this application is, at the bottom you can find the name and access to several lists that bring together apps that do pay, check them out. Most of the lists have articles in which you can find more information to understand its use, although you can leave any questions you have in the comments. But hey, let’s see if Packetshare – Passive Income is scam or paid.

What is Packetshare – Passive Income?

Packetshare – Passive Income is quite similar to HoneyGain, an app that became quite popular a while ago because it offered money to its users in exchange for more megabytes of internet that they will not use. Apparently, some companies have found a way to monetize all the line width that you do not use during the month and sell it to companies or users around the world, but always committing to taking care of your data.

This application was created by DATALABS LIMITED , a company that you don’t find much information about on the web. Furthermore, so far it has not published any other application and from what can be seen, despite the fact that the project was launched a few months ago, it is just becoming consolidated. Personally, it is the first time I have heard about the app and although I have already been aware of similar projects, it is still a matter of caution, some companies could have double intentions.

If you have an internet that exceeds what you need monthly, perhaps you can venture to use this option. Now, if you are one of those who play online or have a job related to the internet, I recommend that you look for another option.

Packetshare – Passive Income

Installation and registration in Packetshare – Passive Income:

You can easily find the app in the Play Store or search for its website and from there access the mobile download options. If you cannot find it or it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone or because it is not available in your country and there is no solution for this.

To enter you must register using an email and password. One aspect that caught my attention is that it does not ask you to verify the email, something that is common to increase the security of the account.

How does it work?

How Packetshare – Passive Income works is quite simple and just consists of installing the app and configuring how much bandwidth you want to share each month. The interface is quite simple and has only the necessary aspects so that you can make the configuration and then you must leave it in the background. You don’t need to perform any tasks and you won’t have to see ads either.

Unlike other apps where you have to perform a task in order to earn your reward, here you don’t have to do anything. It is an app that gives you passive income, so all you have to do is keep the app active in the background and return once you achieve the minimum required for registration. Keep in mind that although you do not have to perform any task, it can affect the cycle of your battery by always keeping it running, otherwise, there are no more details.

Your reward is automatically added to your balance every day and depends on the goals you sell. Before installing the app you can check its website and calculate how many profits you can have per month, I recommend that you check it.


You can request your payment through PayPal and other options depending on the country in which you reside. The minimum withdrawal is $20 dollars and how quickly you reach this goal depends on the megabytes sold daily. There are users who even exceed this goal monthly and can obtain a more than considerable extra income.

Packetshare – Passive Income

Does Packetshare – Passive Income pay?

Selling the megabytes of internet that we don’t use each month sounds like an excellent extra income; It is easy, does not require any effort and can give you a good reward, but it depends on the company that offers this service if it is safe or not. Personally, I haven’t heard much from the company that published it or the app itself, which is a reason to be a little distrustful and go in search of safer options. Likewise, it can be said that Packetshare – Passive Income does pay , but only time will tell us if it is safe or not.



Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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