PLAYTIME – Make Money – Does It Pay Or Is It Just Another Lie?

PLAYTIME – Earn money – Does it really work?

Maybe you already know PLAYTIME – Earn money because it is an application to earn money online that has given a lot of talk in recent times, especially because it seems to divide the public quite a bit and that is why you can find mixed comments in the Play Store, although yes rating remains quite high.

It is an application that apparently pays, but it has a small trick and that is why many users have complaints about it. Stay until the end if you want to find out everything about the app and see if it really pays or you are just wasting your time. Generally I base only my opinion for this type of articles, but considering that it is a project that divides opinions, I will also take into account some comments that I found on the web. Don’t worry anyway, I won’t lie to you about the result since this is an independent blog and has nothing to do with any study.

Furthermore, it does not matter what the result of this app is, if in the end it does not convince us it does not matter, below you will have the names of some lists that bring together apps that do pay and that are proven. I invite you to review these lists no matter what, as they have valuable information and many applications to make money online that can help you. But hey, let’s see if PLAYTIME – Earn Money pays or not or if it’s just a publicity stunt.

What is PLAYTIME – Earn money?

PLAYTIME – Earn money is an application to earn money online that has the option to try external games and in this way we get our reward. This is nothing new and in fact we have seen it in other applications that do pay, such as Coin Pop, only this time it does not seem to be as reliable. The application to begin with is very well organized and even has several entry options so you can start earning money, but the problem comes when you try to withdraw. I’ll tell you more about that.

In case you’re interested, it was created by The Spotlight , a company about which it is not possible to find information on the web. You can’t even find much in the Play Store either, I could only see that it doesn’t have any other published projects and little else. The information we have comes mostly from their ads and the comments that can be found there, although these tend to be very mixed and this is a bit confusing, but I was able to find some more than interesting answers that led me to draw some conclusions.

Likewise, I recommend that when it comes to an app that you don’t have much information about, you follow your path, you will be taking a 50/50 chance and it may not end well at all. You can also use the blog and leave us the name of the application in the comments so we can review it, we will do so as soon as possible.

PLAYTIME - Earn money

Installation and registration in PLAYTIME – Earn money:

It is an easy application to find because it has a particular name, and there are also several ads from which you can enter the Play Store. If you still cannot find it or it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone, for this there is no solution and it is best that you look for other options.

Although it appears to be a serious app, there is no opportunity to register. You should enter your data only once you achieve the minimum threshold.

PLAYTIME - Earn money

How does it work?

How PLAYTIME – Earn Money works is simple and consists of just logging in and browsing through the different options, then selecting one and playing for a while to get your reward. Don’t forget to give the corresponding permissions or they won’t credit you anything, since they must monitor your activity in the other game. You will also have some daily tasks in which you can get extra coins .

The games that are available are found in the first tab of the menu, there you can browse freely and select the game that most catches your attention. Remember to have a good space available on your phone, as you must install them from the Play Store since they correspond to other companies trying to promote themselves through third parties. Each game will have its instructions and a description that tells you if you must reach a specific level or simply play and be rewarded for minutes.

The reward is automatically credited to your account after 24 hours. If this does not happen, you can write to support for a solution.

Applications to earn money online


Here comes the point of contention, and this is where opinions are divided because many users assure that the payment does arrive, while other users assure that it does not and this seems to have an answer: the app has two payment methods , but only one seems to work.

You can request your payment through PayPal or Amazon , except that only Amazon seems to work because with PayPal the wait takes forever. The problem is that at the time I write this, Amazon is not enabled and only gives me the option to withdraw through PayPal . In addition, the withdrawal minimums in PayPal are more difficult to achieve, so it seems that it is a strategy of the app to retain users and at the same time save a few pesos.

Applications to earn money online

PLAYTIME – Earn money pay?

This is a somewhat complicated answer to give, I cannot recommend PLAYTIME – Earn money 100% because I am not sure that you are part of the users who will be paid and it seems to be an unnecessary risk with so many options that really work no problems, so I think this decision is in your hands. Personally I would not risk it, I feel that there are better options that can guarantee me a reward without seeming like I am playing a roulette wheel in which I will never know the result.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:


  1. This app does not pay or respond to requests for assistance. I have made multiple requests but I have only received automated replies and no results.

  2. This app is a scam. Read the reviews, and you’ll see the amount of people who have been waiting months for their payouts on Paypal, Amazon and Google Play gift cards. It says it processes in 24 hours, but it’s a lie, I am waiting for over £150 pounds in cash and gift cards and they all just say Processing and have done so for weeks now.

    I even spent money in order to advance on some games because of offers of ‘free cash’ when hitting a certain level, or spending specific amounts. They just change it when you’ve done the challenge, so if it say’s “spend £9 pounds to get £3.00 free cash” if you spend £9 pounds on the games in app purchase, it then changes to “spend £11 pounds to get £5.00 free cash” there is zero ‘free cash’ given. If you email them, you get an automated email and no one ever get’s back to you.

    It needs to be reported as fraud.

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