Punch The Pyramid Through – Does It Really Pay? [Review]

Punch the Pyramid Through – Scam or legit app?

If you are wondering if Punch the Pyramid Through is a scam or really pays, after seeing one of its ads, you came to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. Remember to read until the end and review our lists, there you will have several tested and paying applications.

Before continuing, don’t forget that this is an independent site, we have nothing to do with this application or the studio that published it. Like you, we are users, we are looking for an application that really pays and we know how annoying it is to find a junk app, which is why we seek to help you. You can always count on an honest and impartial option in each of the ads. We will never hide any results from you.

Also, as I mentioned before, at the end of the article you will have the names of some lists that bring together apps that do pay, check them out. Each of the lists has different applications and they are all proven, they are paying. Keep in mind that none of these applications will make you a millionaire, they will only help you earn extra income. But hey, let’s see if Punch the Pyramid Through is a scam or really pays.

What is Punch the Pyramid Through?

Honestly, at first I thought I was going to find something similar to Mystic Enigma, but that was not the case, Punch the Pyramid Through seems like a variation of Tower Master only with a theme set in the Wild West and for a casino. To be honest, the game is beyond disappointing and I can’t believe it has fooled so many users so far, but from what I’ve seen, the way it’s promoted varies every week. Once a theme stops working, switch to something new.

This app was created by Armstrong Michael, a studio that has not published any other app so far. From what I could see, it’s a new studio trying to achieve success with a single project. Perhaps that explains the number of ads in each app. Anyway, the fact is that the way it is promoted is far from what it really is. Furthermore, the games of chance that appear in their ads are never seen when you enter.

Personally I would never recommend a game of chance even if it really works, I consider that it can be somewhat dangerous, but in this case, it seems that the app itself is responsible for alienating users.

Punch the Pyramid Through

Installation and registration in Punch the Pyramid Through:

Finding the app is easy if you search for it by its full name, otherwise it will be a bit complicated. Before installing it, I recommend you also check the name of the studio that published it and thus make sure you download the correct one. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone or due to the legislation in your country.

No registration is necessary to enter, but here comes the curious thing: in the comments several users claim that they were even asked for their credit card number to access. I can’t find any other explanation for this other than that the app first made this move, scammed some users, and then changed its theme to erase all evidence.

How does it work?

What I found once I entered Punch the Pyramid Through is possibly not what the first users who installed the game saw, but hey, I’ll summarize it a little. To start you have a board on which there are some spikes that stick out and a ball that constantly bounces and must break part of the floor to fall to the other floor. The game is actually very simple once you manage to coordinate your movements, but when you do it becomes really tedious.

To start playing you just have to move your finger across your screen without releasing it, until you see that the ball reaches the only place of a different color on the entire platform. Once you achieve this you must release the screen and this will act as a boost for the ball to shoot out and end up on the floor below. Make sure you calculate your movements well because those spikes that stick out on each of the floors can cause you a lot of problems, especially if they are the ones that are close to the level you need to break.

The reward seems to be a completely forgotten topic in this game, you only get some coins at very specific times and sometimes the box does not even appear to see your winnings. It seems to be a half-baked app or with several bugs.


Here comes the biggest problem, and it is that although it is presented as an application to earn money, once you enter you realize that this is not the case. There is no withdrawal box or way to make money , it’s all a lie. Earning money is almost impossible and the little you get is lost within the app itself.

Punch the Pyramid Through

Does Punch the Pyramid Through pay?

The truth is that no, Punch the Pyramid Through does not pay, it is just a junk app. If at any time it returns to its previous version and when you enter it asks for some information or your credit card number, it is best to get out of there as quickly as possible and delete the app. Remember to never give your data unless it is a platform duly registered with the authorities of your country and even in those cases you should also be careful.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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