QR Scanner Pro – Does It Really Pay? [Review]

QR Scanner Pro – Legit or not?

Maybe you already know this application but you have a question, is QR Scanner Pro a scam or does it pay ? And well, no one could blame me because that is the question that absolutely everyone has at this moment, which is why I invite you to review the article, here you will find the answer.

Before continuing, I want to remind you that this blog has nothing to do with any study or application, we are only giving an opinion based on our experience. We are not looking to promote or promote anyone, we just want to help other users since we know how annoying it is to find junk apps. What’s more, you can leave in the comments what your experience was like with this application, we will not delete anything, just keep in mind that we have nothing to do with the project and that for any complaints you have the Play Store.

Below I will leave you the name and access to several lists that bring together paid applications. All the applications on those lists are tested and paid, check them out and you will surely be able to find one that helps you. There are everything from games to apps to earn money by answering surveys, but this is not the only thing. That being said, let’s see if QR Scanner Pro pays or is just another lie.

What is QR Scanner Pro?

QR Scanner Pro seems to just be a replica of many other scanning apps we’ve seen, Just in Time QR Scanner and Super Code Master are just one example of that, but there are many other examples. The fact is that it seems that on this occasion its creator did not worry much about creating something new, he just took one of the many projects that he saw in the Play Store and traced it in the same way. Even the ads he uses to promote himself look pretty similar to others I’ve seen.

Although it seems that this application is linked to other apps that we have seen before, the truth is that no, it was created by a study of which we have no reference so far. The company is called Robtothb6hgfzfh and so far it has published two more applications, only they do not seem to be promoted as an option to earn money but as simple entertainment or help options. I was also looking for information about the app and I couldn’t find anything, we only have the ads where it is shown that it pays, but this is not a guarantee that QR Scanner Pro will not be scammed.

Whenever you see an application that promises you a great reward, it is best to look for information, and I know I have told you this several times, but the reality is that junk apps never stop being created in the Play Store and it is better to be safe than sorry. Searching for information or a review can save you from wasting time, I don’t think there is anything more important than that.

Installation and registration in QR Scanner Pro :

I won’t lie to you, it is a fairly difficult application to find and is easily lost among the results, it is best that you also check the name of the studio or enter directly through one of their ads. If you can’t find it or it doesn’t give you the option to install, it may be due to a compatibility problem. In that case, it is better that you look for other options and not take risks with an APK.

It is not necessary to carry out any type of registration and in fact there is not even this option at the time of entry, so don’t worry.

How does it work?

When you enter QR Scanner Pro you will see a menu that is far from what you expect in an app to scan codes, you can only see different logos of apps commonly used on a daily basis and some others such as the PayPal logo. At the bottom of the screen you will have a bar from which you can access the different functions of the app, there you will have the code scanning as the second option and then your account settings.

All you’re supposed to do in the app is scan a product code and get a reward for it, but they don’t give you any profit for doing so. Also remember that you must give permission to use your camera and to tell the truth, it doesn’t seem like the safest place to trust. On the other hand, the logos that appear at first glance seem to serve to create routes or logos with easy access to the different accounts and thus be able to speed up entry to one of them or send that information to someone quickly.

Honestly it doesn’t make much sense and the reward is never talked about again once you enter, you only have the PayPal logo, but there is no option to do anything. All you will do here is watch ads for the creator to earn money.

QR Scanner Pro scam


Here comes the problem and it does not have a withdrawal box, payment methods or more information regarding this point. As I told you, it only has the PayPal logo , but you can’t do much there and it only gives you the option to enter your account information, but not a withdrawal option. It’s all a hoax to attract the public and nothing more.

QR Scanner Pro scam

Does QR Scanner Pro pay?

The truth is that no, QR Scanner Pro does not pay , it is just an app that will waste your time. It is useless, you cannot scan the codes correctly and it does not offer you any further service, so there is no point in using it. What I recommend is that you delete the app and leave that space free, perhaps in our lists you can find an application that catches your attention and can help you without lying to you as much as this one.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:


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