Quiz Winner: Wisdom – Do You Earn Money For Playing? [Review]

Quiz Winner: Wisdom – Legit or scam?

This time I will tell you about  Quiz Winner: Wisdom , an  application to earn money by playing games  that is always presented as an  app that does pay . As always, if you want to know everything about the game and how it can help you or if it really pays or not, read until the end.

At the end of the article you will be able to find out if it really is a  paying app  or just another  junk app  that you should stay away from. Remember that the blog has nothing to do with any study or app, the opinion that you can find here is sincere and you can even complement it in the comments. We are users just like you and we are looking for an  app to make money playing games  that is legitimate, since we know what it is like to waste time on  PUAs . We don’t endorse anyone and I would never recommend something that doesn’t work because we know how frustrating it can be. 

Also, regardless of the result of this app, at the end of the article you will have the names of some lists that gather  apps that do pay.  Most of the apps on the lists will be  apps to earn money playing games , although there are other options that you can try as well. But hey, let’s focus on  Quiz Winner : this app does not have a publication date and was last updated in June of this year. So far it has more than 5,000 downloads and no reviews from its users.

What is Quiz Winner: Wisdom?

Quiz Winner: Wisdom  is a kind of quiz that will put us to the test on issues of everyday life and, above all, they will be questions that have to do with logic. The app is somewhat fun in the first few minutes, at least if you like these types of games. Then there’s the fact that currently there aren’t many  apps to make money playing games  that have explored this path, so it feels like something new and enjoyable. 

But hey, you may wonder who created it and this has an answer: the company that created it is  Jenny LeeMe . This studio has not published any other projects so far, whether it is purely for fun or another  application to earn money playing games,  so we are going to judge it solely by what we find in  Quiz Winner . Now, this seems to be an app without much fun, no mystery behind it, just good marketing that is driven by the promise of being an  app that does pay . Promise that can attract anyone.

It is not the first nor the only time that we see something like this, since this is the most normal thing in the Play Store at the moment, but this does not mean that the creators have a good intention or that they are all going to waste your time; it only indicates that you should be more careful. Never believe in the promises of an alleged  app that does pay  unless you see proof.

Quiz Winner: Wisdom

Installation and registration in Quiz Winner: Wisdom:

The app is easy to find and may be in the top ranks, although I recommend checking the name of the studio to be sure. If you have a compatibility problem, it will not appear, for this there is no solution and it is best to look for another app.

It is not necessary to make any type of registration to be able to play, so do not worry about having to leave any data or email. You just think about playing and winning as much as possible.

Quiz Winner: Wisdom

How to play?

Once you are inside  Quiz Winner: Wisdom  you will have to start directly with a game, since as such it does not have a presentation tab or anything else that allows us to explore the app. Everything you have in there is between the different boxes that appear in various parts of the screen and the questions that they will ask you as you progress in the game.

The game starts with a question that you can see at the top of your screen, followed by two boxes where you can select “Yes” or “No” depending on what you think is correct. If you get a question wrong, nothing happens, you can continue playing or restart your game so as not to spoil your perfect score. In the same way, I noticed that many of the questions that appear to you once you restart are the same ones that you are asked along the way, so if you start again, at least you will already know the correct answer to each one. If you feel lost or at that moment you don’t know what to answer and you don’t want to lose, you can resort to some aids that are scattered around the screens and that are used for different things.

The  reward  is delivered once you answer a question correctly and it is automatically accumulated in your earnings box. As is customary, after a while they will give you the option to see an ad to  multiply earnings , but I do not recommend doing this.

Application to earn money playing - app that does pay


You can  request your payment   through   PayPal ,  MercadoPago ,  PayPay ,  NPay ,  PayTM ,  Yandex Money  and  OVO . The  minimum withdrawal  will be the same in all the options and it is about  $250 dollars , although you can consider other figures that go up to  $6,000 dollars  that are almost impossible to achieve. 

When you meet at least the minimum withdrawal, you can enter your account and wait for the payment, only  this  payment will never arrive  because everything is a lie.

If you got a different result, thank you for leaving me the information in the comments to complement the article.

Application to earn money playing - app that does pay

Quiz Winner: Wisdom Pays ?

Quiz Winner: Wisdom does not pay,  it is a waste of time that you should avoid. The game may be very good for the first few minutes, you may even like it, but let’s remember that we are here for an  application to earn money by playing  and sadly this is not one of those applications. The only one who will benefit is the creator, but the user will never receive anything. For this reason, I recommend that you delete the app and better review our lists, there it will be easy for you to find an  app that does pay  and that is already verified.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:


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