Rolling Coin – Does It Really Pay? [Review]

Rolling Coin – Does it pay or is it scam?

This time I will talk about Rolling Coin, an app that promises to give money for playing to all its users and that you have surely seen on several occasions. It is an app that is frequently promoted and you may have doubts about whether it works or not.

If this is the first time you are on this blog, I recommend that you go review our articles, since there you will be able to find valuable information. So many complaints, such as articles with information about apps that do pay. We have nothing to do with any study, so you can always find a true opinion. If it is an app that does pay, I will tell you so you can use it with confidence. The same if it is a junk app, I will tell you so that you do not use it and you can save yourself a headache.

Also, regardless of the result of this app, at the bottom you can find the names of some lists that bring together various apps that work and are paying. I would recommend you go through them and find one you like. There are all kinds of apps there and they range from games to survey apps, like this one that I’m linking to.

What is Rolling Coin?

Don’t be fooled by its name, Rolling Coin has nothing to do with a game where you throw a coin and you have to guess if it’s heads or tails or something similar. What you will have here is a game in which you must turn over some tiles and memorize the image that each one has, since you must find its partner and they always return to their hidden side. The game is nothing new, but let’s just say it’s interesting.

In case you’re wondering, the app was created by Gantui Studio and if you’re a faithful reader of the blog, you’ll know that we’ve already reviewed some apps from this studio. The company has so far published seven other games and all of them are promoted to the public as an app that gives you money to play , something that is not true. In fact, the most recent app reviewed in this study is Alien Crush and I can definitely say that it is a total lie. He never pays.

But that’s not our only claim that the studio lies, I also reviewed another of its most popular apps Alien Crush ) and the result was the same: a total lie. The best thing is that you never trust what a study can promise and always look for information to be sure.

Rolling Coin

Installation and registration in Rolling Coin:

You can search for the app by its name (Rolling Coin), it doesn’t matter, it will appear just the same. If you cannot find it or it does not give you the option to install, it may be because it is not compatible with your cell phone, something for which there is no solution.

At first, registration is not necessary, but as soon as you finish the first game they force you to enter from your Google account, otherwise you cannot access the reward.

Rolling Coin

How does it work?

As I told you, the operation of Rolling Coin is very different from what it promises, since it is not a coin game as such, it is simply a memory game and nothing more. Once you enter the app you have a “test” game, so to speak, when you pass it you will have to enter your Google account to continue.

The game consists of turning over the tiles that you will have on the screen and memorizing the figure that it has before they return to their original state. Each card contains a figure that identifies it and that can help us form a pair with another card that has an identical figure. There doesn’t seem to be a time limit for you to complete the match, so you can take as long as you like, just make sure you clear the entire board. Each level that you advance will be more complicated, but you will have some help.

You see the reward once the game is over, since it is presented in chest mode and you must press it to receive it. Usually an ad appears, so don’t expect anything more than that and prepare to end up frustrated.

money to play


You can request your payment only through PayPal and in fact it is quite common for this to be the only option in various apps, so I recommend having an account there. The minimum withdrawal is $0.3 cents and to get them you must collect about 300,000 coins , something that is almost impossible unless you see ads.

You can hardly reach that amount and you will hardly be able to withdraw it if you reach it, so it would be best to go looking for another option.

money to play

Does Rolling Coin pay?

I honestly doubt that one day you will receive the payment or that you can even get the minimum to request it, so I tell you no, Moneda Rodante does not pay . Its low withdrawal threshold is probably due to a strategy to build trust among users so that they stay in the app, but never receive a real payment. The best thing is that you do not install it and if you already have it, delete it and make room for an app that really works.

Here, luckily, we have obtained several apps that do pay and they are all listed so that it is easier for you to find them. Below I will leave you the names of each list and their respective link so that it is only a matter of clicking on their name and being redirected there. Search, try and tell us how it went in the comments. Your opinion will always be welcome.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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