Smart Walk – Does It Allow You To Earn Money By Walking?

Smart Walk – Does it pay or is it a scam?

If you are wondering if Smart Walk pays, you have just come to the right place, here I will tell you everything you need to know about the application to know if it works or not. Remember to read until the end to find out everything and access important information that can help you.

For this article I will be based solely on my experience, so you are welcome if you want to let us know in the comments how your experience was, just remember that we have nothing to do with the application from the studio that created it. We are an independent blog and under no circumstances do we seek to promote applications, we only give opinions about them to help other users and at the same time leave a path to know which apps work or which are simply garbage.

Also, as I mentioned a while ago, at the end of the article I will leave you the link to some lists that bring together apps that do pay and that can help you in case this is a total lie. Each application on the lists will have its own article with more information about each one, but you can leave any questions in the comments or any updates about the apps. Anyway, let’s see if the Smart Walk app pays or not.

What is Smart Walk?

Well, as you can imagine, Smart Walk is nothing more than another step counter that tries to stand out from its competition by offering money, a strategy that is becoming increasingly common and that apps like HappyWalk or Walking App have already applied. Honestly, every time I see an application like this I have very little faith because the number of times I have been disappointed has not been few, but choosing to give this one a chance after seeing several ads, so let’s continue.

The app was created by Lilteam , a studio we are not aware of on this blog and is not related to any other app as it has not published any other projects. From what can be seen in its profile, this study is only focused on making the app successful and that is why it invests so much in advertising and along the way adds some lies to make it more attractive to the public. You know, a step counter is not the same as a step counter that offers you money.

When you see an app that pays you for walking you should be very careful, most of them will be a simple lie. Unless the app shows a financing plan or something similar, don’t trust it, it may just be a scam, so you were very right to ask yourself if the Smart Walk app pays or not.

Smart Walk

Installation and registration in Smart Walk:

It is an easy application to get even though it has a relatively common name, I still recommend that you also check the name of the studio that created it and make sure you install the correct one. If you cannot find the application or it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone, for this there is no solution and it is best to look for other options.

It does not ask you for any registration for entry, so you can rest easy at this point. In fact, it doesn’t even ask you for some basic information that they can ask for in this type of app, which is a bit strange.

How does it work?

Once you enter Smart Walk you can find the typical dashboard that is in these apps and below some places to monitor the calories you lose and the kilometers you travel. As is common in this type of application, you will not have many boxes and the menu that appears in the lower area only takes you to your history and settings of your account or data such as terms and conditions or user manual.

The goal of course is nothing more than to walk as much as you can every day, but for your steps to add up you must give the respective tracking permissions or your effort will be of no use. Each step will help you reach your goal, each day this goal will be different and will increase as you meet the challenges. Something that I shouldn’t tell you but that can help you is that you can simply move the cell phone with your hands or pass it from one hand to the other and imaginary steps will be added.

Now, regarding the issue of the reward I couldn’t find anything. I don’t know if suddenly the app doesn’t install correctly on my cell phone or if this option simply doesn’t appear at the moment, but I couldn’t find anything that indicates it exists.


In several of their ads I saw the option to request payment through PayPal , I even saw it in a YouTuber’s review, but curiously nothing appeared to me. I can’t say what the minimum withdrawal or other payment methods are because I don’t have this information, so if you can leave something related to this in the comments, I would appreciate it.

Smart Walk

Does Smart Walk pay?

Smart Walk app does not pay , it is simply one of the many junk applications that you can find in the Play Store and that will be of no use. The application works if what you are looking for is to count your steps, but it will not help you earn money and the truth is that even if you only want one app to track your steps, I recommend that you look for another one. It is best that you delete this application from your phone and leave that space free for an option that is really worth it.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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