Solitaire Fish2 – Does it work or is it a scam?
You may wonder if Solitaire Fish2 is a scam or really pays after seeing its ads on the web, luckily you came to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. For this article I will base it solely on my opinion, if you want to add something in the comments you are welcome, just do it respectfully.
If this is the first time you are entering the blog, let me clarify that this is an independent site where we are dedicated to reviewing applications that offer money to users. We test the most popular apps each week and give our unbiased opinion about them so users can find information to guide them. In our articles you will find both complaints about junk apps and articles about applications that really work, check them out.
Also, it doesn’t matter if this application doesn’t work, at the bottom you will have the name and access to several lists that bring together apps that do pay, check them out. Each list has applications that are paid for and have articles where you can find more information. Most apps are games, although you can find other options. But hey, let’s see if Solitaire Fish2 app is scam or paid.
What is Solitaire Fish2?
Solitaire Fish2 is another card game like Solitaire Odyssey Classic Card or Pocket Story, only each one seeks to give it its own personal touch so as not to demonstrate that they are blatant copies of other copies. The solitaire game is one of the most common when looking for an app to earn money. I don’t know if this is because it is easy to program or because it can be easily plagiarized, but as long as you enter the Play Store You can see a similar one, unfortunately this does not translate into effectiveness because very few actually pay.
In case you’re wondering, the app was created by Joechris Team, a studio that has not published any other app to date. From what I could see, both the game and the company are quite new, this can only tell us that this is a creator who goes all in for downloads and doesn’t mind using some more than questionable marketing methods. Offering money to users is the easiest way to get a download, it’s a shame that many don’t actually plan to make that payment.
I cannot assure you that all the solitaire games you find are a lie because in this blog we have found exceptions, but you should be very careful. Whenever you are going to install an app, look for information beforehand so you will know what to expect.

Installation and registration in Solitaire Fish2:
Finding the application may still be a bit complicated since despite having good popularity it also has a common name, so I recommend that before installing it you check the name of the studio that created it and avoid confusion. If you can’t find it or it doesn’t give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone.
To enter, it is not necessary to make any type of registration, the app will not have any of your personal data.

How does it work?
If you have ever played solitaire you will surely know what Solitaire Fish2 is about , after all it is difficult to forget the only card game that does not have an opponent and in which we must organize our deck. The interface has some help on the screen that you can use if you feel lost, although I recommend checking the heat of each card before starting.
Your objective is to organize the hand you have, for this you must take into account the heat of each one and the colors you have. Remember that you must alternate the cards, one red and one black or the opposite, but you cannot put two cards of the same color in a row. The numbers on the cards give you a pretty good clue about their value, you just have to remember the value of each letter and you will have the game insured.
The reward is added to your account in the middle of the game since there are some prize cards. As always, you will have ads to multiply profits that I do not recommend you see.

You can request your payment through PayPal, VISA , Amazon and Steam. The minimum withdrawal is the same in all options and it is the same amount, $100 dollars , which could be very nice for anyone, but is just an illusion. You may reach the minimum payment, but you will never receive a cent because it is just a lie .

Does Solitaire Fish2 pay?
No, Solitaire Fish2 app does not pay, it is just a junk app that will waste your time. This game, like many others, is just a lie, it only serves to generate income for the creator and no one else will benefit. No user will receive a payment. It is best that you delete the app and look for other options, for this I invite you to review our lists.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:
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