Sports Merge Stadium – Review:
You may be wondering if Sports Merge Stadium is a scam after seeing it in an ad, luckily you came to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. I recommend you read the entire article if you want to know all the information available.
If this is your first time visiting the blog, I remind you that we are an independent site, we have no relationship with the application or the studio that created it, we only seek to inform other users. In each of our articles you can find honest and impartial opinions regardless of the result or how popular the project is, since we will always seek to inform you. We have no relationship with this type of applications, we are users just like you and we understand how annoying it is to find junk apps, that is why we always seek to tell you the truth.
On the other hand, over this time I have found some apps that pay and are safe, you can check them out in case you are not convinced by this game. Most of the apps on these lists are games, although this is not the only thing you can find as you also have survey apps and different offers, check them out. Okay, now let’s see if Sports Merge Stadium app is a scam or not.
What is Sports Merge Stadium?
At this point it’s no surprise that a game repeats itself multiple times, the point is that this week I’ve seen too many apps with the same theme as Sports Merge Stadium and it’s starting to get a little boring. The game is exactly the same as always: throw pieces at a screen, match them and unlock new pieces, the only thing that changes is the setting since this time everything is related to sports.
In case you’re wondering, this app was published by Fekra Today, a studio that before this publication seemed to focus entirely on car games. In fact, it has three other publications that are related to that topic and none of these games give a hint that it offers any kind of reward for using it. Finding information about the company is not easy, it is only possible to see some data in the Play Store, but on the web it is simply not possible to find anything related to it.
Whenever you see an app that offers money, you should look for information to make sure it is a safe project. One of the first places you can look for this type of data is in the company that publishes it.

Installation and registration at Sports Merge Stadium:
Finding this app is easy since it is quite popular, although I must warn you that in some cases its name appears in another language, so you must identify it by the logo and name of the company. If you are not given the option to install it, it may be due to compatibility problems with your phone, in which case you should look for other options.
You do not need to register to enter the game. You can rest assured that your data will not be requested at any time.

How does it work?
When you enter Sports Merge Stadium you’ll see a themed board, it resembles American football fields and the pieces you have to place refer to different sports that are quite popular worldwide. As you can imagine, your only goal is to form pairs, unlock new pieces and add points to move up in rank, this will be quite simple although you have some help in case your strategy is affected in any way.
To play, you just have to touch a point on your screen, the piece will shoot out and land on the end you pointed at unless it bounces or a piece makes it give way. To achieve your goal, you simply have to match two identical pieces together, you do this by making them touch each other in some way, it doesn’t matter which direction it is, the only thing necessary is that it touches one of their ends. Once you get to the bigger pieces you can start to unlock new features and new sports, although perhaps most importantly, you earn more money for it.
Your reward is automatically added to your balance, you can see this in the box at the top of the screen. In order to receive your reward, you will sometimes have to watch mandatory ads, if you refuse you simply receive nothing.

You can request your payment through PayPal , Amazon and MasterCard, although some of these methods may be blocked in some regions. The minimum payment for all options is $250, which will be reflected in your local currency, giving you an approximate idea of how much money you can actually earn by playing.

Does Sports Merge Stadium pay?
Although I would like to give you some good news, the truth is that Sports Merge Stadium doesn’t pay, it is just a garbage app. No matter how hard you try or how much money you can collect, in the end none of this will help because the money generated by the app goes into the pockets of the creator. The best thing in this case is to delete the app from your phone and look for other options.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: