TaskPay – Daily Task & Reward App – Review:
If you are wondering if TaskPay – Daily Task & Reward is legitimate, you have come to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the app. Remember to read the entire article and let us know what you think in the comments.
Before continuing, I remind you that this blog is independent, we have no relationship with the application or the studio that created it. For this article I will base it solely on my experience, I am not seeking to promote the app in any way and I am not seeking to convince you to use it either. In our articles you can always find an honest and unbiased review no matter what the result, we are committed to the truth and we will always tell you.
Also, if this application is not safe or does not convince you, it does not matter, at the end of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that pay and can help you. Most applications will be games, but this does not mean that it is the only thing you can find. Anyway, let’s see if TaskPay – Daily Task & Reward is legit or not.
What is TaskPay – Daily Task & Reward?
TaskPay – Daily Task & Reward is an app that brings together different games and offers that we can make in exchange for coins that we can later exchange for real money. Among the options are the typical games that we must download from the Play Store or the games within the app that include roulette, a scratch card and other options for which you will always have to see an advertisement.
In case you’re wondering, this app was created by TaskPay Reward, a studio that has no other publications so far. The name of this company as well as the name of the app reminds me a lot of an article I did a while ago, yet I couldn’t find any type of relationship between that app and this one. Everything seems to indicate that this is a new project that has not been in the Play Store for long and that seeks to capture as many downloads as possible, but it is not having the expected success.
The app appears in several advertisements and I know that some may think that it is legitimate thanks to this, but the truth is that Google does not carry out any type of verification, so anyone can promote whatever they want without having to be held accountable.

Installation and registration in TaskPay – Daily Task & Reward:
Finding this application is not very complicated, even so I recommend entering from an ad to have greater clarity and not end up installing another one with a similar name. Before installing it, you can also check the name of the company that created it to avoid any confusion.
To enter you have two options: enter as a guest or open your Google account, the point is that only with the last option will you unlock the option for withdrawals and other data.

How does it work?
When you enter TaskPay – Daily Task & Reward you will see different categories and games where you can try your luck and start earning your first coins. The menu that appears at the bottom gives you the option to access different places in the app and go directly to the offer wall to review first-hand the option that pays the most.
You can find games of all kinds, with different themes and also with different proposals, although most of them will ask you to reach a level to pay out your reward. You will also have some games within the app that include roulette, scratch cards and other games of chance that can be fun, but are inefficient for our goal. If you also choose to try the games integrated into the app, you must keep in mind that you have limited turns for each one and if you want to continue playing you must watch ads.
Your reward is automatically added to your balance, you can check this in the history that appears in your profile. The account provides you with data on your performance and earnings every day, so you can keep your accounts clearly.

You can request your payment through PayPal, Amazon, Google Play, bank transfer, etc. The minimum payment is the same in all options and is $5 dollars, an easy figure to reach and believe in such an app, even so it is a deception.

Does TaskPay – Daily Task & Reward pay?
I know you were expecting a better answer but I must tell you the truth, TaskPay – Daily Task & Reward does not pay. The app may look quite legitimate and create the illusion that we are actually making money, but this is nothing more than a simple deception. It is best that you delete the app and look for other options, to do this I recommend checking our lists.
Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs: