The best apps to earn money in August:

This time we continue with the theme that arose a few weeks ago, listing the best apps to earn money in August and thus make our work a little easier when it comes to finding new options. On this occasion I will present you three options that are legitimate, safe and can help you generate a good extra income.

I remind you that this blog has no relationship with the applications or the studio that creates them, we only seek to inform readers and give them various options so that they can generate income from their phones. Our goal will always be to help and inform, we do not promote any projects nor do we have any participation in them.

Anyway, let’s see which are the legitimate apps that you can use to make money with your phone.

List of apps to earn money in August:

  • Rewardy: Earn Money Online
  • Waste Collector
  • Earn money – Survey Bucks

Rewardy: Earn Money Online – How much money can you earn?

Well, Rewardy: Earn Money Online is a legitimate app that allows us to carry out different activities in exchange for coins. Surely you already know this app or have heard about it since it is quite popular, but some will have doubts about its operation and that is what I seek to clarify with this article.

As I told you, the blog has no relationship with the application or the studio that created it, we only seek to inform. The links offered in this article are not ours, they correspond to the Play Store and there you can present any questions or concerns in the comments. If this app does not convince you or you already know it, you can go to our following apps, surely one of them will be able to help you.

On the other hand, at the end of the article I will leave you the name and access to other lists that also have paid apps, check them out. All the apps on those lists are tested and paying. Anyway, let’s see what Rewardy: Earn Money Online has to offer.

What is Rewardy: Earn Money Online?

In principle Rewardy: Earn Money Online is presented as an option to generate income by watching videos and streamers, although this is not the only thing available in its interface. Since I saw the app I knew that it was one of the most complete in the Play Store and I was not wrong one bit, this app gives us the most typical options such as surveys and games, at the same time it allows us to generate income by watching videos on platforms like YouTube.

In case you’re wondering, this app was created by Rewardy, a studio that does not have any other published projects so far. The name of the company corresponds to the brand of the company that created the app and although it is not easy to get information about it, at least we can be a little more certain about who is behind the app. Although at the moment it does not have a website or version for computers, the photo ratings are good and the majority of opinions are positive.

This is one of those apps about which there is not much information, but its ratings in photos and the Play Store suggest that it is a legitimate and reliable app.

Rewardy: Earn Money Online

Installation and registration in Rewardy: Earn Money Online:

Finding this application is simple, however I recommend you be careful as it can be confused with other projects with similar names. Before installing it, I recommend that you check the name of the company that created it to avoid any confusion.

To enter you must register through your Google account, Twitch or via email, but first you must accept the terms and conditions.

How does it work?

When you enter Rewardy: Earn Money Online you will see different boxes that allow us to see the categories that the app has and in which we can search for our next payment. Among the categories, the ones that stand out the most are surveys, games and videos that are divided into different options such as YouTube, Twitch and others that take you to shorter videos.

If you don’t want to watch videos or you get bored of this, you can opt for their offer wall, there you will find games and surveys that are available every day and have more than tempting rewards. Keep in mind that in most cases the games will ask you to be a new user and reach a certain level before disbursing your winnings, if you do not comply with this then you will not receive the agreed amount.

The long-awaited reward is automatically added to your balance once you complete the established task. If you do not accept the permissions or complete your mission/survey, then you will not receive any rewards.

Apps to earn money August


You can request your payment through PayPal, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Tether, BNB, Ethereum, VISA, Amazon  and Roblox. The minimum payout varies for each method, so I recommend checking the option you want beforehand to get an idea of ​​how many coins you should get.

All methods ask you for a commission percentage that reaches 5%. For example, if you want to make a withdrawal of $5 dollars to your wallet, only $4.75 dollars will arrive.

Apps to earn money August

Does Rewardy: Earn Money Online pay?

Of course yes, Rewardy: Earn Money Online pays, it is safe and reliable and that is why it is on this list. From my point of view, it is one of the best apps to earn money this August since it offers different options, you never get bored or tedious and you can always make a profit no matter what time of day you enter. I recommend you try it and if you don’t have much free time, perhaps it’s best to go for what’s next, that is, the videos and the surveys.

Below I will leave you the link for you to install the app, this will take you directly to the Play Store. Any questions you have can be left in the comments, we will respond as soon as possible. You can also tell us your experience so that it can serve as a guide for new readers.



Waste Collector – One of the best apps to earn money in August?

Without a doubt, Waste Collector is causing something to talk about since it becomes more popular every day and luckily, the reviews we can find are quite positive. If you want to know everything about the app, I invite you to review the entire article.

I saw this app in several ads and reviews, which is why I decided to review it and see for myself if it is as good a project as most people say. The game is simple and also offers us different options to complement our income and get out of the routine a little, what more could we ask for? Before continuing, I remind you that I am not looking to promote the app and that everything I will say in this article is based on my experience.

On the other hand, I must tell you that this is the only game on the list and although games have been the most disappointing in this niche for a long time, this time we are facing one of the best apps to earn money in August. Anyway, let’s see what the Waste Collector app has to offer and how it works.

What is Waste Collector?

Waste Collector is a fun game in which you will have to drive a garbage collection truck. With this you will have to travel through all the streets of a small neighborhood collecting dirt from the ground. This activity will give us money of course, but it is not the most profitable activity, which is why the application has an offer wall that can offer us options with much larger payments.

In case you’re wondering, this application was created by DigiWards, a studio that we know quite well since in the past I have tried cigars from their projects and the results have been more than favorable. All the applications in this study are focused on delivering payments to their users and they all work, although of course, there are some options that pay more than others and for this you must compare them on your own.

Without a doubt I can affirm that DigiWards is one of the most reliable studios that exists, you will always have a legitimate option to generate income in your profile.

Waste Collector app

Installation and registration in Waste Collector:

Finding this application is simple since it has a particular name, although I recommend that you check the name of the company that created it to avoid any confusion. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone since it is available to everyone.

To enter the app you must register using your Google account and accept terms and conditions.

Waste Collector app

How does it work?

Once you enter Waste Collector you will have some small instructions, they will explain that you must drive the truck to collect the garbage that is on the streets of the neighborhood and they will also present the controls with which you can operate it. Playing is really easy and you have plenty of opportunities to get coins, you just have to be careful with the diamonds that help us refuel the truck and are limited.

To play you only have to drive the car, you do this with the buttons that appear on the right side of the screen. The truck must pass through each street and the garbage is automatically loaded into the cubicle. Now, this activity is easy but it pays very little, so I recommend you go to the tasks that are found in small logos that appear on the left side of the screen and select one that catches your attention. You will have the possibility to answer surveys and try other games.

Your reward is automatically added to your balance, you can see this at the top of the screen. The app has some ads, although compared to other apps, this time it is not so complicated.

Apps to earn money August


You can request your payment through PayPal and the minimum payment is $2 dollars, a low figure that contrasts with the amount of coins you must obtain to make the withdrawal ( 200,000 coins ).

As I told you, this app pays very little and to get a really important figure or reach the minimum payment in a short time you will have to resort to extra tasks, otherwise the task could take up to 6 months.

Apps to earn money August

Does Waste Collector pay?

Of course yes, Waste Collector does pay, which is why it is on this list. This is one of the best apps to earn money in August and perhaps for the rest of the year, so far few games have been as enjoyable and entertaining as this one. I invite you to try the app and leave us your opinion in the comments box, just don’t forget to have a realistic goal and perform extra tasks to reach the minimum payment in less time.

This app is really a good option, but if it doesn’t convince you, that’s fine, there is still another app that may be to your liking and may end up becoming your best ally. I still recommend you check the DigiWards company profile , there you can find several options that are legitimate.



Earn Money – Survey Bucks – Do you always have surveys available?

I couldn’t close this list of apps to earn money in August with a better app than Earn Money – Survey Bucks, and this was a recent discovery and it has surprised me quite a bit for the better. Again, don’t forget to read the entire article to find out the answers you are looking for.

This app is one of the last ones I have tried and luckily it has been legitimate and an excellent option with several surveys despite not being at the center of marketing studies. After seeing it in several advertisements, I decided to try it and the response and results were more than positive, but this does not mean that everything is perfect or good, this will also depend on the country in which you reside and the type of audience you can represent. the brands.

If you are interested in answering surveys or this is a less invasive task in your schedule than the previous options, this app is perfect for you, it notifies you when a survey is available and most do not take more than 10 minutes. Well, let’s see what else Earn Money – Survey Bucks has to offer.

What is Earn Money – Survey Bucks?

Earn money – Survey Bucks is a survey app in which we can give our opinion about various brands and topics and earn a profit in return. The questions will not be personal and the personal data you share with the app will not be shared with third parties, they are only used to place you in a category according to the audience to which you belong.

In case you’re wondering, this application was created by DAILY APPS (PVT) LTD, a studio that has three publications that have long been accepted by the public. Apparently all of this company’s projects focus on apps to generate income and so far most have been a success, achieving a high rating from the general public and earning a good reputation. I can’t give you much information about the company since I know it so far, but I will be monitoring its work to see how everything evolves.

Just as it is clear that this is a good option, one of the best apps to earn money this August by answering surveys and the best thing is that it does not matter what region you are in.

Earn money - Survey Bucks

Installation and registration in Earn Money – Survey Bucks:

Finding this application is simple, I still recommend doing the search from the web to obtain better results. Before installing it, I recommend that you also check the name of the company that published it to avoid any confusion.

To enter the app you must accept terms and conditions and open your Google account. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone since it is available to everyone.

Earn money - Survey Bucks

How does it work?

How Earn Money – Survey Bucks works is quite simple since you only have to answer a few surveys, these generally do not take more than 10 minutes and leave you a considerable profit. Of course, you can also opt for some options such as the bonuses and competitions that the app offers, but if you are a busy person, perhaps it is best to focus solely on its surveys.

To access the surveys you must go to the last box in the menu that appears at the bottom of the screen, there you will have the names of all the companies that offer their service through the app. For each company you must complete a form with your personal data and although I know this sounds tedious, it will only happen once, then they will save your data and place you in a category according to the audience you represent. This step is important if you want to receive surveys that are suitable for you, otherwise you will have to answer questions before each one and in some cases it will be of no use, you will be discarded.

Your reward is automatically added to your balance, you can see this at the top of your screen. You can also check your earnings and withdrawal history to keep a clearer account of your earnings.

Apps to earn money August


You can request your payment via PayPal, WISE and bank transfer, although the availability of the methods may vary depending on the country in which you reside. The minimum payment is $1 dollar in all options and in the case of a bank transfer this amount will be reflected in your local currency.

Apps to earn money August

Earn money – Survey Bucks pay?

Of course yes, Earn Money – Survey Bucks pays and that is why it is on this list of the best apps to earn money this month. I recommend that you try it, complete your profile and activate notifications so you don’t miss out on any opportunities. Keep in mind that none of these three apps can make you a millionaire, but this does not mean that they do not work, you just have to have a realistic goal.

Personally, I think it’s a good option and it’s an app that I use to generate extra income, try it, maybe it could be what you’re looking for. Finally, don’t forget that these three apps are part of a new theme, in which every week there will be a new list of three paying apps, so I recommend you check out and follow the blog.




Any of the three apps you choose will be a good option, although personally I recommend working with more than one to obtain better results. Maybe surveys are your thing, in that case the first and the last can help you earn money through this method, but if that bores you, don’t forget to visit the second option, there you will have a fun game and you can mix the experience with other available tasks .

Anyway, these three belong to the best apps to earn money in August and perhaps they will remain valid until the end of the year, who knows, on our part we will continue looking for and bringing the best projects so that we can all continue benefiting.

Finally, if none of these apps is what you are looking for or you want to know other options, I invite you to review our lists, there you will have several verified apps. Below I leave their names, you just have to press the one that catches your attention.

Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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