TikTok USDT – Does It Really Pay Or Is It A Scam? [Review]

TikTok USDT – Scam or Pay?

Today I will tell you about TikTok USDT , an application to earn free USDT that seems to be gaining popularity due to this promise. Finding sites that give you free USDT is not very difficult and in fact it could be said that there are hundreds of “taps” on the web, but here we are going to focus on this app and see how real its promise is.

Before continuing with the article, remember that for this I will base it solely on my opinion and that for the rest, you can leave your opinion in the comments. We are not trying to hide the truth, nor do we want to promote or promote any of these games, we just want to help other users so that they do not waste their time with junk apps because we know how annoying it is. If an application is legitimate I will tell you so you can use it with confidence. The same if it is a junk app, I will tell you so you don’t use it.

In addition, at the bottom you can find the names of several lists that bring together apps that do pay. All lists have applications to earn money, although there is not yet a single application to earn free USDT, but you can find options with withdrawal of other cryptocurrencies. You will also have many games and other options such as survey apps and micro tasks. That being said, let’s see if TikTok USDT pays or not.

What is TikTok USDT?

TikTok USDT is a kind of mining app, you know, the typical thing you see in the world of cryptocurrencies but adapted to mobile. This is nothing new and since the arrival of Blockchain networks it has happened, it’s just that not all of them are authorized to do so or provide tracking and security to users. What’s more, it could be said that currently most mining sites, whether pages that promise this service or, in this case, an application to earn free USDT, turn out to be a total lie or scam.

The application in this case was created by TK USDT Limited , a company about which it is not possible to find any information on the web and which does not have a well-known name or support in the cryptocurrency community. Personally, I would not trust such an app, especially when there is no information available and its description talks about an investment that, no matter how minimal, can result in a loss of capital. Cryptocurrencies have many risks and one of the biggest is in the sites that promote mining, they are almost always a scam.

An application to earn FREE USDT may exist, but it will surely give you that reward for performing a task, playing or watching ads, but not for mining, unless it is something of its own. I do not recommend investing here or in any other app, it is best that you check out free options and do not risk it.


Installation and registration in TikTok USDT:

It has a quite particular name so it is easy to find, and you can also check the name of the studio or search for it to make sure you install the correct one. If you can’t find it, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone, something for which there is no solution and it is best that you look for other options.

To enter, it is mandatory to register and you can do it through the traditional way by entering an email and name or through a Google account.


How does it work?

Once you enter TikTok USDT you have a somewhat confusing interface, with several boxes everywhere and there is no explanation of what you should do or where to go. You can press the box you want and explore the app like that, that’s how I did it and although it takes some time, I think I have a little idea of ​​how it works. To start, the app gives you a small gift of mining power to get you started, although this is not much.

You don’t have to do anything as such, there is no task you have to complete, there are no games and you don’t have to watch ads either, you just have to make the most of the mining power it gives you and in this way try to make some profits. You should also keep in mind that this activity can cause some slowness on your phone, since mining often uses part of the memory or Ram of the cell phone or computer you use. This happens because you must lend part of your cell phone’s power to help solve some complex mathematical operations and thus mine each cryptocurrency.

Your reward is added from time to time to your balance and the time it takes to achieve results depends on the mining power. If you just go with the bonus they give you, don’t expect to get much unless you use it for a long time.

Application to earn free USDT - Cryptocurrencies


As you may have noticed, the payment method used is USDT and you can withdraw it through its network to any wallet or micro wallet that does not have a minimum deposit. I owe you the minimum withdrawal since I was not able to find it, so if you have the information, I would appreciate it if you left it in the comments.

Application to earn free USDT - Cryptocurrencies

Does TikTok USDT pay?

I definitely don’t think it will, TikTok USDT doesn’t pay and it’s best not to risk an investment here . I do not recommend that you invest money in this app or any other unless you are really sure of what you are doing and you have a minimum guarantee, but if not, I recommend that you think again. At least in this app, the welcome bonus is intended to be bait and create excitement because to tell the truth, it will not help you get anything.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:


  1. Saludos amigo has dado poco uso a la app para decir cerradamente de que paga, bueno dijiste que darías tu opinión por ti no por otros. Gracias

  2. I have equally fallen a victim of being scam by TikTok usdt with 9usdt. I implore everyone not to put money to invest a penny with this platform

  3. TikTokUsdt,is a big scam, publish it all over the social network to avoid new people falling victims.
    I reached 70usdt and my withdrawal was restricted.
    From Fidel’s.

  4. Merci les gars, vous venez de me sauver la mise… J’voulais investir mais étant averti j’ai décidé de chercher des informations d’autres utilisateurs. Il est clair qu’une plateforme qui ne permet pas aux autres utilisateurs de donner leur point de vue est louche. Même leur compte telegram ne te permet pas de savoir si des gens ont investi et retirer leur argent. Bref, je la désinstalle à l’instant même !

  5. This Tiktok USDT is a scam, they have frozen almost 300 USDT from me, I can’t withdraw my money, they restricted my withdraw and demanded that I buy 162.90. USDT hashrate,
    which i did but yet they wont still allo me mine nor withdraw, and still demanding that I deposit another 162.90 USDT….

    If I message them they say it because my account is abnormal, how can my account be abnormal when I deposited my money and did nothing wrong, only to withdraw they now said that…

    Don’t invest with they, they are scams

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