USDT Community Network – Scam Or Pay? [Review]

USDT Community Network – Does it really pay?

If you are wondering if USDT Community Network is a scam or really pays, you have just come to the right place, I will tell you everything you need to know about the application. To know everything and clarify all your doubts, I recommend that you read until the end.

Before continuing, I remind you that this blog has nothing to do with any studio or app, we are an independent site. Like you, we are users and we are looking for an app that really pays, we know how annoying it is to find junk apps and we also know that there is not much information about it, which is why this site was born. Our goal is always to inform other users and we do this through unbiased reviews. No matter what the result is, you will always have the truth.

Also at the end of the article you can find the names of some lists that bring together apps that do pay, check them out. Each of the applications there has an article in which you can find more information, although you can leave any questions in the comments. Keep in mind that none of these applications will make you a millionaire, they will only help you generate extra income. But hey, let’s see if USDT Community Network app is scam or paid.

What is USDT Community Network?

What can I say, the truth is that I was quite struck by the similarity between USDT Community Network  and Crypto Hunt, an app that I reviewed today and that I invite you to review so that you can see how much they are similar. To tell the truth, I think it’s just a case of one creator who stole the other’s idea and simply changed some aspects such as the colors and the cryptocurrency in which you can make the withdrawal, otherwise everything is the same.

Despite the similarities between the two applications, they were created by different studios and this time we are talking about Cotton Balls, a company that has not published any other app. A curious aspect is that the two apps are just starting out, this also led me to think that it is a creator with two companies seeking to escape any punishment from Google; If one of your applications receives complaints and you have to delete it, you can safely continue with the other company and app.

Maybe the best thing when you see an application that offers money is to look for information and if you see that it tends to look too similar to another app that you have tried before, it is best to stay away. Asking yourself if USDT Community Network app is scam or really paid was a good idea and you should always do it.

USDT Community Network

Installation and registration in USDT Community Network:

Finding the app can be a little tricky unless you enter from one of its ads. Before installing the application, I recommend that you also check the name of the studio that created it and avoid confusion. If it does not give you the option to install, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone and there is no solution for this.

To enter, it is not necessary to make any type of registration, you just have to enter the app normally. You can rest assured, you should not leave your data or email.

How does it work?

When you enter the USDT Community Network you will see a circular-shaped board on the screen that is filled with some small balls. You will also see some crossed barriers that will be interrupting the passage and you must run so that the balls fall and fill the container at the bottom. Since it is such a simple game, you have very little help, these are limited and they can make you see ads in exchange for using them.

To start playing you just have to move some of the barriers that are on the screen, just keep in mind that there is a correct order to do it. If you start moving the barriers without thinking you can end up blocking your own path and you will have to start over. The objective is for all the balls to go down and fill the container. Keep in mind that sometimes there will be some balls that do not have colors and you must find a way for them to collide with those that do have color so that they take on some color and can be counted at the end.

Your reward is added to your balance if you successfully complete the level. As always, you will have ads to multiply your earnings, but this is a simple waste of time.


You can request your payment through USDT, the most popular stablecoin , but if the world of cryptocurrencies does not interest you, it is best to look for other options. The minimum payment is $25,000 dollars or at least that’s what the sign that appears every time you try to make a payment says.

Of course, expecting an app to pay you such an amount is total madness, there is none that can do it. All of this is simply a marketing trick to get people to install the app.

USDT Community Network

Does USDT Community Network pay?

I’m sorry to disappoint you but no, USDT Community Network does not pay, it is just one of the many junk applications that you can see in the Play Store. This game is not only boring, it is also a total scam and I regret that it manages to get so many downloads by fooling users and does not get any punishment for it. At the moment I can only advise you to delete the application and look for other options that really help you.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:

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