Polys Tiles – A Game To Earn Money? [Review]

Polys Tiles – Scam or Legit?

You may already know Polys Tiles , a puzzle game to earn money that has become popular due to this promise that, without a doubt, is more than attractive to anyone. It is certainly not the first or the last app with this promise, so it is better to review it since in the past we saw several junk apps that promised to be real. Stay until the end to find out everything.

Before continuing with the article I want to remind you of two things: the blog is independent and we are not looking to promote anyone and you can freely leave your opinion of the app in the comments, you just have to remember that we did not create it and if you want to make a claim you must go to the Play Store. You can even leave us the name of any application in the comments so we can review it, that’s what we do and we never hide any results even when they are negative. We are users and we know what it is like to encounter junk apps, which is why we want to help you.

One last thing before starting: at the bottom I will leave you the names and access to several lists that bring together apps that do pay, you just have to press on the name of the list that interests you and you will be redirected. The lists mostly feature games to earn money, although not all of them are puzzles. You can also find other types of apps in case you get tired of games, check them out. That being said, let’s see if Polys Tiles pays or not.

What is Polys Tiles?

Polys Tiles reminds me a little of the mahjong game, although here it seems to have some variations both in its theme and in the number of tiles you must get to overcome each level. The application does not represent a major challenge and could pass as any other puzzle application: without pain or glory, it is just that the fact that it is promoted as a puzzle game to earn money manages to raise enough stir for it to be minimally relevant.

This app was created by a studio we know quite well on this blog, Gantui Studio . This is a company that has published 7 other games so far and of course each one is promoted as an excellent way to make money, only this is not the case. I personally have experience with this study because a while ago I reviewed Alien Crush and Fruit Spy, two applications that seemed to be great options, but ended up being a total disappointment.

If you ask me, adding Gantui Studio to a company blacklist seems like the best thing to do. None of its applications work, they are only based on promises that it does not keep and at the same time makes you see an annoying amount of ads. Their goal is to get money for the creator, not you.

Polys Tiles

Installation and registration in Polys Tiles:

Although it may not seem like it, it is an easy application to get, you just have to do a quick search in the Play Store and it will surely appear at the top of the results list. If you can’t find it, it may be due to compatibility problems with your cell phone since from what I understand, it is an app available for all countries. For this there is no solution and it is best that you look for other options.

Registration is necessary to claim any reward, you can do it through a Google account and you can leave whenever you want.

Polys Tiles

How does it work?

When you enter Polys Tiles you have no instructions, you must do everything according to what you imagine or what you see. Generally they give you a test game and then you get the option to log in from your Google account so you can start claiming your winnings, something they should do from the beginning, but oh well. The interface is extremely simple and there aren’t many things you can explore, just a few boxes with options to earn some extra coins.

You will have a board on which there are several pieces, all of these have a geometric figure that you must pay attention to since with this guide you must form groups. Each tile has a figure that distinguishes it, what you must do is press all those tiles that have the same logo and these will be placed in a rectangle that appears at the bottom until you get them all, then they will disappear. Your goal is to leave the board clean, only then will you be able to pass the level. Furthermore, you don’t have help for this, although you don’t need it because it’s just a matter of observing well.

The reward is automatically added to your balance and can only be claimed when you log in to your Google account. Every time you want to claim your winnings you will have to watch an advertisement, something that in my opinion is not worth it.

Puzzle game to earn money


You can request your payment through PayPal only and if you do not have an account there, I recommend that you open it because many apps pay directly there. The minimum withdrawal is $0.3 cents and although it seems quite easy to achieve, I am sorry to disappoint you, you will need 300,000 coins and it is quite difficult to obtain that figure.

This application does not pay, it is only an excuse for you to see ads so that its creator can earn money, but you will not get anything.

Puzzle game to earn money

Does Polys Tiles pay?

Definitely not, Polys Tiles does not pay , it is just one of the many lies that you can see in the Play Store and that will waste your time. It is not a good game and above all, it is not a puzzle game to earn money as it is initially promoted, it is all a deception. The company is used to lying to attract people’s tension and doesn’t seem to stop, so be careful and memorize their name so you don’t fall for their lies later.




Next I will leave you a list of apps that if they paid you, you decide which one best suits your needs:


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